Pass Local Variables values to Process variables


How to send the data from a local variable in an interface to Process variable in Process Model. 

Can anyone let me know how to do.


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Are you talking about changing a process variable after you've loaded the form, and being able to see the change?  Or changing a variable in the form, and without submitting the form, seeing the change in the process model?

    You can't do either of those things.  They are a current limitation of the Appian product, and would be an AMAZING feature I've been waiting for years for someone to develop.  The main thing that would unlock is the ability for two people on two different machines to collaborate on the same task at the same time and see each other's work.

    An immediate use case I can foresee right now would be planning poker.  Developers get cards labeled 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and they all pick a card to vote on how many story points a story is.  Once they've all picked, the SCRUM Master instantly sees what everyone voted.

    You can do something to the effect now, but you can only do it by saving to the database and querying from the database.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Are you talking about changing a process variable after you've loaded the form, and being able to see the change?  Or changing a variable in the form, and without submitting the form, seeing the change in the process model?

    You can't do either of those things.  They are a current limitation of the Appian product, and would be an AMAZING feature I've been waiting for years for someone to develop.  The main thing that would unlock is the ability for two people on two different machines to collaborate on the same task at the same time and see each other's work.

    An immediate use case I can foresee right now would be planning poker.  Developers get cards labeled 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and they all pick a card to vote on how many story points a story is.  Once they've all picked, the SCRUM Master instantly sees what everyone voted.

    You can do something to the effect now, but you can only do it by saving to the database and querying from the database.
