Error with Appian IDP application connected system

I'm using the IDP application and have been able to set it up and run with the provided test files. However, the configure tab only shows me the message saying I need to setup my credentials. I looked into it and it seems to be because of the integration "DU_listModels". When I run it I get the following error:

"Could not perform requested action, verify that the inputs are valid. io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: List of found errors: 1.Field: parent; Message: The provided location ID doesn't match the endpoint. For, the valid location ID is `us-central1`. For, the valid location ID is `eu`."

I set my bucket to be east-4 so I used this in the connected system.

The Connected system seems fine as it authenticates properly. I tried changing the connected system region to "us-central1" and it authenticates but the integration throws following error.

"Could not perform requested action, verify that the inputs are valid. io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: FAILED_PRECONDITION: The project doesn't exist."

I've been looking around but can't find any guidance. Appian does not provide any information on how to set this app. I've looked into the google documentation but can't figure it out. Does anyone have any ideas about it?

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Parents Reply
  • The documentation I'm referring to is this:

    The first screenshot shows a Document Channel grid which I did not see. I simply had the link that said to setup my credentials. The grid seems to list existing models, which I don't have on my google cloud account as I had just set it up, which in turn made the integration failed when pulling the models list and returned nothing. That was my diagnosis. The documentation goes into updating an existing configuration, but not creating a new one. 

    My solution was to setup the tab on the site to use the process model for setting up the configuration directly instead of the report in the meantime until I get my first configuration up and running. 

    I couldn't find any other information on Appian regarding this so for now this is my solution. If you have additional info, could you  please share it?
