File Upload Size Limit

Certified Lead Developer

Is this configurable?  What is it currently?

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Jake

    None that I know of.  I'm fuzzy on the back-end mechanics but my theory is that, unlike file extension, Appian has no particular visibility into the size of a file fed into its file upload field until the upload has completed.  At that point it's effectively too late to have a preemptive size limit (in the same vein that the extension requirements work per my limited understanding); and then it may as well be left up to designers to implement a systemwide size validation of their own design, and internally require everyone who uses a file upload field to include that global validation rule within their field validations.  Again just conjecture on my part.

    In any case -- I'd suggest if you have a strong use case for a max upload limit (i.e. configured in Admin Console next to the extension whitelist/blacklist), you submit it as a feature request with Appian.
