How to convert uuid of user to user name?

Certified Associate Developer

Please suggest me the function which will be helpful to convert uuid of user to user name. I am currently using Appian 20.2. As I have seen in the older version there is a function but now that is not available.

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  • It depends on exactly what you're trying to achieve, and how many Users you are expecting to have in your environment. One option would be to generate a list of all of the Users in your environment and, for each, generate the UUID, and then you can conduct a look-up using the UUID you want to convert.

    You can generate the list of Users using a!groupMembers().- not this is limited to a maximum of 10k results which is why I've said it depends on the number of expected User accounts in your environment. It also performs poorly at large volumes, so that would determine if this is a suitable option for the context you want to use it in.

    You can generate the UUID for each using fn!getUserUUID() - you'll need to use the People Functions plug-in to get access to this function.

    Once you have a list of correlating Users and UUIDs you can use the fn!displayvalue() to conduct the necessary look-up.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stewart Burchell

    Thanks of the reply. In Appian where we have fn!getUserUUID() which is used to get UUID of a given user but we require a function for converting UUID input to user as output, Is there function for this functionality?.

    And I agreed with you for creating separate table for maintaining User details with their UUID values but we are trying looking if any function in Appian for converting UUID to user. Please suggest if any.


  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Shantanu Bhowmick

    You can use user("user","UUID") function in loop and pass all users you have in loop and check for the UUID you are searching for.

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