Failure on an End Event. Does not exist User...

Failure on an End Event. Does not exist User...



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  • To check the Designer of the model:

    1. Click on the link of this alert
    2. Click on Process Model Dashboard
    3. Edit Process Model
    4. File - Properties
    5. At the top you will see two names: "Created by" and "Last modified"
    6. For the process initiator use pp!initiator in a report or review the process dashboard

    1. Can you double check if steps 5 and 6 are showing your name?
    2. Open the process instance in Monitor Mode and hit "CTRL + F" to search using the browser's utility and search for:

    Over and Out

    can you confirm the only node with this name is the End Event? I don't think this error is for your account there's should be another user involved in this process triggering the error since you are able to perform other things in the environment

    3. If you find another node with that name check if that node has an assignment pointing to a user and take notes on that username so we can fix that one

    4. Review the application-server.log at the same time when you got the alert, is the username mentioned there? Review the whole stack trace of the "Does not exist: User" error

    5. Review the db_PX*.log at the same time when you got the alert, is the username mentioned there? Remember that depending on the process ID this error will in db_PX00*.log, db_PX01*.log, or db_PX02*.log,
  • To check the Designer of the model:

    1. Click on the link of this alert
    2. Click on Process Model Dashboard
    3. Edit Process Model
    4. File - Properties
    5. At the top you will see two names: "Created by" and "Last modified"
    6. For the process initiator use pp!initiator in a report or review the process dashboard

    1. Can you double check if steps 5 and 6 are showing your name?
    2. Open the process instance in Monitor Mode and hit "CTRL + F" to search using the browser's utility and search for:

    Over and Out

    can you confirm the only node with this name is the End Event? I don't think this error is for your account there's should be another user involved in this process triggering the error since you are able to perform other things in the environment

    3. If you find another node with that name check if that node has an assignment pointing to a user and take notes on that username so we can fix that one

    4. Review the application-server.log at the same time when you got the alert, is the username mentioned there? Review the whole stack trace of the "Does not exist: User" error

    5. Review the db_PX*.log at the same time when you got the alert, is the username mentioned there? Remember that depending on the process ID this error will in db_PX00*.log, db_PX01*.log, or db_PX02*.log,
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