Failure on an End Event. Does not exist User...

Failure on an End Event. Does not exist User...



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  • Now that you have confirmed, let's see if the issue is indeed with your account:

    1. Open the problematic model
    2. Do a File - Save As to create a copy
    3. Remove all node except for the START ---> END EVENT
    4. Run a new instance. Does the same error occur?
    5. If it doesn't occur, review the variables of the original process and find all variables that contain a username, take notes on them since they could be the ones generating the error.
  • Now that you have confirmed, let's see if the issue is indeed with your account:

    1. Open the problematic model
    2. Do a File - Save As to create a copy
    3. Remove all node except for the START ---> END EVENT
    4. Run a new instance. Does the same error occur?
    5. If it doesn't occur, review the variables of the original process and find all variables that contain a username, take notes on them since they could be the ones generating the error.
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