Hi, Is there a way to have better access to Tempo apps? There are a l


Is there a way to have better access to Tempo apps? There are a lot of clicks to get into the application as Launch Tempo -> Actions -> Go to a specific App -> Launch the action. Can we have a URL from where users can directly start the actions? I see that the actions can be marked as favourites or starred. Also, when I tried to create the dynamic URl, it just shows all the applications but not a particular one and its action URL can be created.

Any help regarding this will be appreciated. Thanks! ...



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  • The starred option allows the users to select the most frequently used actions thus making the navigation faster. This is the fastest way to access the actions. Using the Action URI you can create a link to that action specifically, are you using the link to the Application or to the Action? Are you setting the whole path?
  • How do I create the Action URI? I want to create the link to the action and will need the whole path to launch the Action.Btw, I am using 7.3. Also, in future it is a requirement to click this link from an external system by clicking on a specific no in DB. This number should be entered on the very first form and this task should be submitted automatically. This number would be dynamic. Please let me know the solutions.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    you can create intuitive URL to launch your process model from external system in one click.
    In our case below is the URL to launch the process model , this will navigate you to the start form of the process model in single click.

    To answer your second question of DB number should get displayed on first form and form should get submit automatically.you can follow following approach
    pass the DB number in URL as parameter and use the below JavaScript on your start form

    function gup( name ){
    name = name.replace(/[\\[]/,"\\\\\\[").replace(/[\\]]/,"\\\\\\]");
    var regexS = "[\\\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
    var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
    var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
    if( results == null ) return "";
    else return results[1];}

    here name is parameter name, in our case name is 'encounterID', this will return you the parameter value(101306284013).
    once you have the parameter value save this in one of the field using JavaScript function and save field value in process variable,
    and for auto submitting form you can use auto submit JavaScript

    Note:- I am assuming that your form is not mobile enabled, else you will be not able to use javaScript and auto submit of form.
  • You can use the link that appears on your browser navigation bar when opening the action, the text generated after the /item/ is the URI created for that specific Action. You can copy the whole path found in the browser bar and copy it in the link to access that specific action from that link.

    For the functionality you desire I would recommend that you use Dynamic Links, please refer to this link to find out more information on them:


  • Ajinkya, we are using tempo forms only.
    @ Ricardo, let me try this and will update this post.
  • Hello anagha, I have a very similar need. Have you managed to open the form with the data in tempo?