Error evaluating UI expression

Hi, i am getting this error but there is no further information on which expression rule might be causing this. Checked the tomcat logs but the stack trace does not show any further useful information either.

Error evaluating UI expression

  • Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 43f47:2469d] : Invalid index: Cannot update value of length 5 by assigning value of length 1

Anyone can advise on how to troubleshoot this error further?

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  • If you could share your code performing the update and throwing an error, and the values included, that will greatly assist. 

  • You will have to isolate the problem. If you are not sure what is causing this problem then you will have to either look for a piece of code that might be used for updating (as Chris mentioned) or you need to delete small blocks of code to see removing which code block removes the error. 

  • Can you attach the code so we can fix.

    I think the issue is for updating array of 5 index you are passing value for only one index

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer


    Can you please use the proper index instead of . dot operator

  • Thanks all for the replies. i will review your replies and see how to proceed next.

  • i traced through the flow of UI invocation from within appian designer and got this error when i click on the same link that throws the earlier error i posted. it seemed to give more information but i couldn't understand what this error is about.

    anyone has any idea?

    Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 62197:797b3] : An array of components cannot contain a form layout, dashboard layout, or column layout. Received a form layout at index 1.

  • this error also seemed to appear only after upgrade to appian ver 22 from ver 20. Another interesting observation i had is that this error will only be thrown when a appian administrator type user triggered it. There is no error when a appian basic type user triggers it.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to chongbengs7623

    If you dont mind then could you please share your code .

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to chongbengs7623

    This error comes up when you try to nest a high-level layout component into another or a lower-level display component.

  • How to over come this