When there is prolonged user inactivity, a popup comes from Appian stating that session is about to expire.
We are not able to click on any of them. The screen freezes until we refresh the browser.
I am looking for guidance if anyone has encountered this in their projects. Any pointers are appreciated.
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This is a common problem a lot of us are facing. I doubt that this is because of some overlay in Appian. And I also tried to reach out to the support but according to them, everything was just fine. There are two ways with which you can confirm if what I am saying is making any sense.
You can also increase the session timeout in the Admin Console
Hi Harshit,Thanks for your reply.
I'm able to click on Sign Out and Resume buttons.but, when I click on 'Sign Out', browser pops up the below message:
but, when clicking on 'Resume Session', nothing happens.Can you please provide your inputs on this?
When you click on resume, you resumed your session. So you can continue working. But when you click on "Sign out" then Appian is just showing its care by asking if you really want to leave as you have some unsaved changes
Hi Harshit,
I may not have framed my sentence correctly. But, when we click on 'Resume Session', nothing happens. I mean no action happens with the page, until the page is refreshed. But, when we click on 'Sign Out' we get below pop up message from browser
Hi, Does anyone seen this behaviour for sites? Do we get session timeout or not
Session will timeout and you will be logged out depends on how the Environment timeout settings..