Process Model Save and Continue

Certified Associate Developer

I have a process model and interface set up so when user clicks save and continue it exits the form to write to DB then a XOR gate that checks the user action, if it's save & continue it loops back to the interface. All of the nodes are activity chained. But for some reason it keeps exiting out of the interface instead of just loading it back up. Could it be because there are a lot of writes to database so it's delaying the loop back? I do have less than 50 nodes.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    "5 seconds" is the recommended (and sane) chaining duration limit suggestion, however it is by no means any sort of hard limit.  In the past I had long-running document generation nodes that were super slow (progressively querying through several iterating DB tables to query specific items to include on one document), and by customer request only was able to make it chain for the user, and it would take between 30 and 45 seconds to work.  Not that anyone should ever actually try this, but i don't believe it's accurate to say chaining breaks after anything near as short of a time as 5 seconds, especially for the purposes of troubleshooting.

    @Eric: please monitor your instance and check the "nodes" tab in the instance properties, and see if any particular node is taking an undue amount of time.  Also check for sly chaining break points (any flow lines, no matter how small or insignificant, with no chaining enabled, will break chaining), and that includes *any* timer nodes, and any rule nodes that aren't executed immediately.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    You are right , I checked the documentation more closely and it says:

    Chaining breaks when:

    "The amount of time between attended tasks exceeds the non-configurable limit of 10 minutes."

    So that is plenty of time. But also confusing as you wrote that you had to get it increased for your use case.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle
    you wrote that you had to get it increased for your use case.

    I didn't mean to imply this, so if anything I wrote above led you to think this, then I apologize.  If it was the thing I was referring to on an old project where a long-running document generation was happening, I merely meant that the user would click "generate" and then wait for up to a minute to chain to the next screen with the generated document ready to view - that worked, as-is, without any "limit increase" or whatever;

    The "by customer request only" comes in later: we tried to convince them that it was not a good UX to have the user sit there waiting that long (and this was before the "loading indicator" feature on button widgets.. heck, mostly before SAIL forms at all), but they insisted that we just leave it like that and not send the user to some intermediary task that they could wait on until the generation was completed (the approach we tried to suggest).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    LOL. Got it! And all these limits are there for a good reason.