When migrating an application package, we have noticed that Appian does not auto

When migrating an application package, we have noticed that Appian does not automatically migrate items in order of their dependencies. Specifically, if a package contains CDTs, Process Models, and Reports, and is being imported in a destination that has none of the objects already, Appian does not migrate them with CDTs first, Process Models second, and Reports third.

I am not sure whether the order the objects are migrated simply has to do with the order they were added to the package, but we have had problems when trying to migrate something with the above scenario. What we need to do is create a separate migration package for CDTs, Process Models, and Reports (3 packages in this case).

Is it possible to avoid having to migrate all 3 packages in order? Is it possible to create one release package for everything?...



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  • The dependencies among items within the package are automatically resolved by Appian if the relevant objects are in there.

    I would be helpful if you could describe with a specific example what issue you've observed since it's expected that no import errors occur due to dependencies if all objects are present in the application.

    The only thing to keep in mind is that for CDTs to import correctly the need to be deleted first otherwise they won't be updated with the latest definition you are importing
  • Eduardo, I have had the same difficulties when importing a package which contains some new query rules and an existing Data Store with new entities. On the first import, it will not identify the new entities within the Data Store and it will throw errors indicating that the entities in the DS can not be found. This means Appian does not resolve this kind of dependency and I would have to import the application twice. Do you have any resolution to this?
  • Eduardo,

    I can perhaps generate a one-off case for you if you would like, and send you a sample application, etc. In any case, I am aware that the CDTs need to be deleted before importing a new version, and this does work fine for us. It is simply when we migrate CDTs and Process Models without the process models already existing in the destination environment that we have a problem.