Process Report .. Processes With Errors

Is it possible to build a process report that shows me all processes (and id's) that are showing as error ?

i can use the existing report that lives under Perf Monitor to view how many instances have errors - but I want to build a house keeping task that will go back and cancel these cases and for that I need to get the process id's for a named procedure. (date filtered)

Alternatively how much impact is there when deleting process instances in bulk. 

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  • You can generate a process report for all the processes with error by using combination of Active processes and processes with number of active tasks equal to 0.

    Your generated process report will initially have Name, Status and Start Time of the process, you need to add two more columns processId (definition:- pp!id) and numberOfActiveTasks (definition:- num_active_tasks() ) 


    After this, add a filters to your report just as I mentioned above (Active status and active task count = 0)

    Your process report is ready to use, create a rule using a!queryProcessAnalytics() to get the required process details from the report (processId in this case)

    There may be some other ways to do this more efficiently which I'm not aware of but I'm sure somebody here will suggest a better approach, if there any. 

  • Hi Guys,

    I need to create a read-only grid connected to a process report that show "Processes with Errors", is there a way to find processes in this "Status" by process report ?



  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to matteos7659

    If you look at the task report tutorial, there is a section that describes all of the statuses. If you check line 74 here, you can see that each status maps to an index - in this case I believe Error maps to status number 11, so you can just filter on that status value if you need to find only processes with errors:

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