Certified Associate Developer exam

Hi all. I took the exam and failed. I scored really low on SDLC information, expressions rules and process models. Where should I go to further study those three concepts? Specifically, I had a hard time knowing which Appian function to use in an expression. Thank you. 

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    As Mike suggested going through Appian trainings helps a lot. We also have Practice test available at the end of trainings to understand the pattern of questions being asked.

    We do a lot in expression rules other than using functions, simple to complex requirements.

    I usually take a scenario and try to apply all available functions on it.
    For example, we have lot of looping functions available and one is always better over the other. I always apply scenario with various looping functions and find out the challenges, performance, limitations of each when applied. So i know when to use what and why.

    For SDLC, along with Appian resources look for resource from google. We have tons of information on SDLC.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    As Mike suggested going through Appian trainings helps a lot. We also have Practice test available at the end of trainings to understand the pattern of questions being asked.

    We do a lot in expression rules other than using functions, simple to complex requirements.

    I usually take a scenario and try to apply all available functions on it.
    For example, we have lot of looping functions available and one is always better over the other. I always apply scenario with various looping functions and find out the challenges, performance, limitations of each when applied. So i know when to use what and why.

    For SDLC, along with Appian resources look for resource from google. We have tons of information on SDLC.

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