I am trying to add some filters to the data retrieved from an entity query and keep encountering an error

"An error occurred while retrieving the data. Details: The data source [jdbc/Appian] cannot be reached or its configuration is invalid. Details: could not extract ResultSet"

I keep encountering this error while trying to add some filters to the data retrieved from a query entity. The query runs fine and retrieves all the data, however, when I go to add some dynamic filters to this data I keep encountering this error. I am reaching out to see if anyone from the community has come across the same error and what solution worked for them. Basically trying to add a few specific data filters to a search bar in the application. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Guessing there's something in one of your filter definitions that doesn't work.

  • I created a stand-alone record type for the search bar assuming the same. This usually works for dynamic filters for multiple rows of data. But I still got the same error .

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    Having a hard time visualizing your problem. Code or screenshots could be helpful.

  • a!localVariables(




       translations: ri!translations,

       show: local!showSearchGrid,

       label: ri!linkText,

       icon: ri!linkIcon,

       description: ri!linkDescription,

       showWhen: ri!showWhen



     data: a!recordData(

       recordType: 'recordType!{}process name',

       filters: {


           field: 'recordType!{}process name.fields.{CreatedBy}CreatedBy',

           operator: "=",

           value: tostring(loggedInUser())




     columns: {


         label: index(ri!translations, "global.request", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{RequestID}RequestID']



         label: index(ri!translations, "global.site", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{SiteEn}SiteEn']



         label: index(ri!translations,"global.tradeName",null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{ProductNameEn}ProductNameEn']



         label: index(ri!translations,"global.manufacturer",null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{ManufacturerNameEn}ManufacturerNameEn']



         label: index(ri!translations,"global.patientInitials", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{PatientInitials}PatientInitials']



         label: index(ri!translations, "global.created", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{Created}Created']



     showWhen: local!showSearchGrid




  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    This is a Record Type query. The error is likely not here as you said you were trying to add some user filters.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    I have no idea. You said there was an issue with queryEntity but you posted a Record Type query.

  • Since the query entity was returning this error I created a record type entity as a work around. But the same error is occurring in this case as well. I can share the query entity code as well

  • load(

     local!gridSelection: a!gridSelection(

       pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(

         startIndex: 1,

         batchSize: cons!process name ,

         sort: a!sortInfo(field: ri!sortAttribute)


       selected: index(






     local!showSearchGrid: false(),



       local!enableSearch: not(rule!GLB_isEmpty(ri!searchAttributes)),

       local!datasubset: if(

         rule!GLB_valueOrDefault(local!showSearchGrid, false()),


           entity: ri!entity,

           fetchTotalCount: true(),

           query: a!query(

             pagingInfo: if(





             logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression(

               operator: "AND",

               filters: if(





               logicalExpressions: if(







                     operator: "AND",

                     filters: {





                           items: ri!searchAttributes,

                           expression: a!queryFilter(

                             field: index(fv!item, "Name", null),

                             operator: choose(


                                 tostring(index(fv!item, "Type", null)),

                                 touniformstring({ "INTEGER", "TEXT" })







                                 tostring(index(fv!item, "Type", null)),

                                 touniformstring({ "INTEGER", "TEXT" })









                             applyWhen: not(rule!GLB_isBlank(local!searchValue))




                       /*new code*/


                         ri!entity = cons!process name,


                           field: "IsArchived",

                           operator: "=",

                           value: false()




                       /*new code*/


                     ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true()










       local!moreThanMaxselections: and(








         ) > ri!maxSelections



         rule!process name(

           translations: ri!translations,

           show: local!showSearchGrid,

           label: ri!linkText,

           icon: ri!linkIcon,

           description: ri!linkDescription,

           showWhen: ri!showWhen



           showWhen: and(




           columns: {


               contents: {


                   label: "Search",

                   value: local!searchValue,

                   saveInto: {














             a!columnLayout(contents: {}),

             a!columnLayout(contents: {})




           showWhen: local!showSearchGrid,

           identifiers: index(





           selection: true(),

           selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT",

           totalCount: index(local!datasubset, "totalCount", 0),

           value: if(





           saveInto: if(





           columns: a!forEach(

             items: ri!columnAttributes,

             expression: with(

               local!columnList: index(


                 stripwith(fv!item, " "),




                 label: if(



                   index(ri!columnLabels, fv!index, null)


                 field: stripwith(fv!item, " "),

                 data: if(

                   contains({ "Created", "Updated" }, fv!item),


                     rule!GLB_displayDate(date: _),




                     contains({ "Province" }, fv!item),


                       rule!process name(key: _, translations: ri!translations),






                 links: if(

                   contains({ "Record ID", "Request ID" }, fv!item),



                       recordType: con! Process name,

                       identifier: _









           validations: {







               ) & " " & ri!maxSelections & " " & index(










           align: "END",

           buttons: {


               label: index(ri!translations, "global.clear", {}),

               showWhen: local!showSearchGrid,

               confirmMessage: index(





               disabled: rule!GLB_isEmpty(







               saveInto: {

                 a!save(ri!selectedObjects, null),



                   a!save(local!gridSelection.selected, null),

                   a!save(ri!gridSelection.selected, null)


                 a!save(local!showSearchGrid, false()),





               label: ri!buttonText,

               style: "PRIMARY",

               showWhen: local!showSearchGrid,

               disabled: or(










               saveInto: {






                       rule! Name queryEntity(

                         entity: ri!entity,

                         recordIDList: index(









                         attribute: ri!recordIDAttribute







                 a!save(local!showSearchGrid, false()),









  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    FWIW, this latest comment is essntially unreadable, and makes the therad pretty much unreadable as well.  Please edit your comment and re-paste the code using a Code Box (make sure you re-copy from the source so it retains indentation).