I am trying to add some filters to the data retrieved from an entity query and keep encountering an error

"An error occurred while retrieving the data. Details: The data source [jdbc/Appian] cannot be reached or its configuration is invalid. Details: could not extract ResultSet"

I keep encountering this error while trying to add some filters to the data retrieved from a query entity. The query runs fine and retrieves all the data, however, when I go to add some dynamic filters to this data I keep encountering this error. I am reaching out to see if anyone from the community has come across the same error and what solution worked for them. Basically trying to add a few specific data filters to a search bar in the application. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    Having a hard time visualizing your problem. Code or screenshots could be helpful.

  • a!localVariables(




       translations: ri!translations,

       show: local!showSearchGrid,

       label: ri!linkText,

       icon: ri!linkIcon,

       description: ri!linkDescription,

       showWhen: ri!showWhen



     data: a!recordData(

       recordType: 'recordType!{}process name',

       filters: {


           field: 'recordType!{}process name.fields.{CreatedBy}CreatedBy',

           operator: "=",

           value: tostring(loggedInUser())




     columns: {


         label: index(ri!translations, "global.request", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{RequestID}RequestID']



         label: index(ri!translations, "global.site", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{SiteEn}SiteEn']



         label: index(ri!translations,"global.tradeName",null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{ProductNameEn}ProductNameEn']



         label: index(ri!translations,"global.manufacturer",null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{ManufacturerNameEn}ManufacturerNameEn']



         label: index(ri!translations,"global.patientInitials", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{PatientInitials}PatientInitials']



         label: index(ri!translations, "global.created", null),

         value: fv!row['recordType!{}process name.fields.{Created}Created']



     showWhen: local!showSearchGrid




  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    This is a Record Type query. The error is likely not here as you said you were trying to add some user filters.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    I have no idea. You said there was an issue with queryEntity but you posted a Record Type query.

  • Since the query entity was returning this error I created a record type entity as a work around. But the same error is occurring in this case as well. I can share the query entity code as well

  • load(

     local!gridSelection: a!gridSelection(

       pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(

         startIndex: 1,

         batchSize: cons!process name ,

         sort: a!sortInfo(field: ri!sortAttribute)


       selected: index(






     local!showSearchGrid: false(),



       local!enableSearch: not(rule!GLB_isEmpty(ri!searchAttributes)),

       local!datasubset: if(

         rule!GLB_valueOrDefault(local!showSearchGrid, false()),


           entity: ri!entity,

           fetchTotalCount: true(),

           query: a!query(

             pagingInfo: if(





             logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression(

               operator: "AND",

               filters: if(





               logicalExpressions: if(







                     operator: "AND",

                     filters: {





                           items: ri!searchAttributes,

                           expression: a!queryFilter(

                             field: index(fv!item, "Name", null),

                             operator: choose(


                                 tostring(index(fv!item, "Type", null)),

                                 touniformstring({ "INTEGER", "TEXT" })







                                 tostring(index(fv!item, "Type", null)),

                                 touniformstring({ "INTEGER", "TEXT" })









                             applyWhen: not(rule!GLB_isBlank(local!searchValue))




                       /*new code*/


                         ri!entity = cons!process name,


                           field: "IsArchived",

                           operator: "=",

                           value: false()




                       /*new code*/


                     ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true()










       local!moreThanMaxselections: and(








         ) > ri!maxSelections



         rule!process name(

           translations: ri!translations,

           show: local!showSearchGrid,

           label: ri!linkText,

           icon: ri!linkIcon,

           description: ri!linkDescription,

           showWhen: ri!showWhen



           showWhen: and(




           columns: {


               contents: {


                   label: "Search",

                   value: local!searchValue,

                   saveInto: {














             a!columnLayout(contents: {}),

             a!columnLayout(contents: {})




           showWhen: local!showSearchGrid,

           identifiers: index(





           selection: true(),

           selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT",

           totalCount: index(local!datasubset, "totalCount", 0),

           value: if(





           saveInto: if(





           columns: a!forEach(

             items: ri!columnAttributes,

             expression: with(

               local!columnList: index(


                 stripwith(fv!item, " "),




                 label: if(



                   index(ri!columnLabels, fv!index, null)


                 field: stripwith(fv!item, " "),

                 data: if(

                   contains({ "Created", "Updated" }, fv!item),


                     rule!GLB_displayDate(date: _),




                     contains({ "Province" }, fv!item),


                       rule!process name(key: _, translations: ri!translations),






                 links: if(

                   contains({ "Record ID", "Request ID" }, fv!item),



                       recordType: con! Process name,

                       identifier: _









           validations: {







               ) & " " & ri!maxSelections & " " & index(










           align: "END",

           buttons: {


               label: index(ri!translations, "global.clear", {}),

               showWhen: local!showSearchGrid,

               confirmMessage: index(





               disabled: rule!GLB_isEmpty(







               saveInto: {

                 a!save(ri!selectedObjects, null),



                   a!save(local!gridSelection.selected, null),

                   a!save(ri!gridSelection.selected, null)


                 a!save(local!showSearchGrid, false()),





               label: ri!buttonText,

               style: "PRIMARY",

               showWhen: local!showSearchGrid,

               disabled: or(










               saveInto: {






                       rule! Name queryEntity(

                         entity: ri!entity,

                         recordIDList: index(









                         attribute: ri!recordIDAttribute







                 a!save(local!showSearchGrid, false()),









  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    FWIW, this latest comment is essntially unreadable, and makes the therad pretty much unreadable as well.  Please edit your comment and re-paste the code using a Code Box (make sure you re-copy from the source so it retains indentation).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to jayal6616

    it still looks exactly the same to me?  did you save your changes?  (when done editing your comment you need to press the "Reply" button again to commit your changes, fwiw).