a!localVariables( local!userDtl: rule!GAI_GetUserDetailByUserDetailId(id: ri!userDtlId), local!userAddr: rule!GAI_getUserAddress(userDtlId: ri!userDtlId), local!address: rule!GAI_getAddress( addressId: tointeger( local!userAddr['recordType!{95223579-776a-485d-b38c-eeaedbe5930a}GAI User Address.fields.{42a88eac-f478-4bf9-a8da-e8c5e666ed11}fkAddressId'] ) ), local!userRoles: a!refreshVariable( value: rule!GAI_getUserRole( userDetailId: ri!userDtlId, isActive: true() ), refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION", refreshAlways: true() ), a!formLayout( contents: { rule!SCO_CommonHelpText( helpText: "User has been deactivated in the system", isError: true(), showWhen: not( rule!SCO_isUserActive( local!userDtl['recordType!{1a68a647-eb88-4f12-be8e-e3d5fc6495eb}GAI User Detail.fields.{d07378d8-ee37-479d-a6e4-06adfb5bdd15}username'] ) ) ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( width: "NARROW", contents: { rule!GAI_CommonRecordActionField( recordAction: 'recordType!{1a68a647-eb88-4f12-be8e-e3d5fc6495eb}GAI User Detail.actions.{3fb24cc7-938f-47d5-b566-1d826e8e205f}updateUserDetail', actionNotRelatedToWorkflow: true(), identifier: { isUpdate: true(), userDtlId: ri!userDtlId }, showWhen: true() ) } ), a!columnLayout( width: "NARROW_PLUS", contents: { rule!GAI_CommonRecordActionField( recordAction: 'recordType!{1a68a647-eb88-4f12-be8e-e3d5fc6495eb}GAI User Detail.actions.{ebd775e8-8205-4708-9ff9-f62f1bb3fc3e}deactivateUser', actionNotRelatedToWorkflow: true(), identifier: { userDtlId: ri!userDtlId }, showWhen: true() ) } ), a!columnLayout( width: "NARROW_PLUS", contents: { rule!GAI_CommonRecordActionField( recordAction: 'recordType!{1a68a647-eb88-4f12-be8e-e3d5fc6495eb}GAI User Detail.actions.{666c057e-b750-49fd-b1cb-c039dc80ec7e}reactivateUser', actionNotRelatedToWorkflow: true(), identifier: { userDtlId: ri!userDtlId }, showWhen: true() ) } ) } ),
Activate user Record action is visible but Deactivate user Record action is not visible in interface how can i resolve this ?
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Hi Sudhirs
Do the Activate User record action and the Deactivate User record action share the same process model?
If not I would recommend reviewing the configured security on each.
"By default, any user can see a record list action if they have Initiator permission to the underlying process model. For related actions, a user must be able to see the record and have Initiator permission to the underlying process model."
If this doesn't resolve the issue we need more detail to be able to help any further - what is the logic behind expression rule!GAI_CommonRecordActionField()?
The related action will not display if the identifier is null or invalid. in your case its not the issue as you configured same identifier in both and you can see one.
Check the security of related action once.
Hi Jordan,
a!localVariables( local!recordSecurityResponse: rule!GAI_doesRecordActionApplyForUser( recordAction: ri!recordAction, workflowId: ri!workflowId, workflowTypeStatusId: ri!workflowTypeStatusId, actionNotRelatedToWorkflow: ri!actionNotRelatedToWorkflow ), local!doesRecordActionApplyForUser: index( local!recordSecurityResponse, "doesRecordActionApplyForUser", null ), local!groupsAllowed: index( local!recordSecurityResponse, "groupsAllowed", null ), local!statusValuesAllowed: index( local!recordSecurityResponse, "statusValuesAllowed", null ), a!recordActionField( display: if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!display), "LABEL_AND_ICON", ri!display ), style: if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!style), "TOOLBAR", ri!style ), showWhen: and( rule!SCO_isBoolBlankOrEmptyOrTrue(ri!showWhen), rule!SCO_isBoolNotEmptyAndTrue(local!doesRecordActionApplyForUser) ), actions: { a!recordActionItem( action: ri!recordAction, identifier: ri!identifier ) } ), )
based on this rule i am displaying Record action ,This rule should return True but it is returning FALSE only, how to resolve this
Hi Anna,
i have displaying record action based on this rule
this should return true but returning false only
Is the Username a valid one?
Yes, it is there in DB
I thing you pasted wrong screen shot(deactivatedUserVisibility), if user active then you will able to see Deactivate User action which is there in your main post. if user Deactivated then you should see the Activate user action. check there may be some other visibility rule might used.
As per the visibility rule you shared, I guess that the mentioned user might be deactivated in your environment, which could be the reason for the false output. Kindly check it once from the User tab or from the Admin Console.
Correct Only , above screenshot is for active user, i want to deactivate but rule is returning false instead of true. so i am not not able to see reactivate action