Hi All,
I have two interface, A and B. When a button in interface A is clicked all the components in B should be refreshed. Is it possible to refresh all the components in interface B without passing parameters in all components in interface B?(I am passing the refresh variable from A to B, but not from B to components in B)
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Hello Rahul009,Need more information on what are you trying to achieve and what is it exactly you have done. Code snippets and other details would make us understand better on your question.
Maybe this blog post helps: Data in Interfaces
Hi Rahul009
I just tried the Scenario you requested . Please confirm if i could create the same or similar. Happy to have more details
How are interface A and B related? Is any one of them a parent or they both are children and you have a new interface that is calling both of them?
You can use Refresh Always in interface B
You'll at least need to pass 1 variable to force the refresh of the queries in the B interface.
When calling your interface B in Parent Interface (Interface A), you will have to pass at least one variable based on which the data in interface B will be refreshed.
Make sure to use refreshOnVarChange in Interface B.
This is always a tricky question to answer when we haven't been given a strong idea of the relationship between the interfaces in question. Also confusion around this usually seems to be underpinned by a lack of familiarity with how interfaces naturally stack and how data (and refreshed data) tends to pass between them. I usually recommend that you just go ahead and pass data between interfaces - if this is something you think isn't possible in your case, then I would suggest that the structure you're hoping to use might not be properly set up, in general.
You have two components, A and B. You aim to refresh component B when a specific button in component A is clicked. To achieve this, you've introduced a refresh variable to monitor whether a button in component A has been clicked.
Now, within component B, there are additional child components, X, Y, etc. You want these child components to be refreshed as well, but without explicitly passing the refresh variable to each of them. While a typical approach would involve passing the refresh variable to the child components of B, you're exploring an alternative solution to avoid this, right?
True. The funny part is, everyone is keeping the guessing game on but the OP does not care to reply with the details.