Hi there ! I'm having trouble extracting reports to XLS.

Hi there !

I'm having trouble extracting reports to XLS.

It just doesn't extract at all. I keep waiting and waiting until I give up and try again.

I tried to extract many other reports with success, these three are the only with problems.

We are not using SAIL in this application yet, so it's a process report.

The server is on Appian cloud.

Hope someone can give me a hand on this.

Thanks in advance,

Michel Barbosa...



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  • Margaret,

    Last night I let Appian exporting the report for several minutes and finally achieved my objective.

    I think the report is really very large and is demanding lots of time to complete the extraction.

    One of them has about 30 columns and 500 lines and I had to wait for about 30 minutes, the other one, has 35 columns and 1300 lines and I had to wait for more than 1 hour.

    Hope you can tell me how to make it lighter for the future.
  • Margaret,

    Last night I let Appian exporting the report for several minutes and finally achieved my objective.

    I think the report is really very large and is demanding lots of time to complete the extraction.

    One of them has about 30 columns and 500 lines and I had to wait for about 30 minutes, the other one, has 35 columns and 1300 lines and I had to wait for more than 1 hour.

    Hope you can tell me how to make it lighter for the future.
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