Need to enable certain dates to be selectable based on the logged in user. So the dates to be enabled and disabled for each user and it should be dynamic based on certain business rules. Is it possible to achieve this in Appian?
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Sure. You would just have to build it from scratch. You could start with a simple read only grid and add rich text fields to the cells.
hi Stefan Helzle , Can you please elaborate how to proceed or any ref documents
harikumarm0002 Can you help us with example?
I am not sure what you are looking for. I do not have any ready made example at hand, and filling a grid with dates is simple.
Hi Hari,
Can you provide few examples? ideally you can achieve this using isusermemeberofgroups, rule output etc.
If you can let me know what exactly you are looking for , that would be great.
Example : To block the meeting date ->
So, what exactly are you looking for?
Is this about the data model design, the business logic, or how to display it to the user?
yes, business logic
it is possible to achieve or not ?
Sure it is.