Is it possible to create customized calendar with enabling only specific dates to be selectable?

Certified Senior Developer

Need to enable certain dates to be selectable based on the logged in user. So the dates to be enabled and disabled for each user and it should be dynamic based on certain business rules. Is it possible to achieve this in Appian?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi Hari,

    Can you provide few examples? ideally you can achieve this using isusermemeberofgroups, rule output etc.

    If you can let me know what exactly you are looking for , that would be great.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to karthikkanjerla

    Example : To block the meeting date -> 

    1.  Meeting date can be selected only within certain date range for all users (e.g.., March 1 to June 30)
    2.  All the bank holidays should be disabled to avoid selecting the holiday dates by mistake for all users.
    3. For a particular location, if the date has been selected by one user, same date should not be able to select by other user for the same location. So once the date is booked, it should be disabled in the calendar based on the location selection
    4. Same user cannot select the same date for two different locations. So once the date is booked, it should be disabled in the calendar based on the logged in user as well
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to karthikkanjerla

    Example : To block the meeting date -> 

    1.  Meeting date can be selected only within certain date range for all users (e.g.., March 1 to June 30)
    2.  All the bank holidays should be disabled to avoid selecting the holiday dates by mistake for all users.
    3. For a particular location, if the date has been selected by one user, same date should not be able to select by other user for the same location. So once the date is booked, it should be disabled in the calendar based on the location selection
    4. Same user cannot select the same date for two different locations. So once the date is booked, it should be disabled in the calendar based on the logged in user as well