Section might contain the fields like dropdown, flieupload ,.. those should also get repeated
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Hii Klaus34 , can you please explain more about your use case.
Hello, I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but I'll give it a try.
I imagine you are working with an array of something, like a CDT or Record Type.
What I would do is to have that array as rule input / local variable and then do a forEach() over it. Inside the forEach() you would put whatever fields you want (even as a section as you mentioned).
To add more instances of that section, you'd create a button that would append an empty value (CDT or Record Type) to your variable. This way the fields/section is going to be repeated:
(...)saveInto: a!save( ri!variable, append( ri!variable, type!CDT() ) )
Here's a basic example, you should be able to swap in your type! values and configure your components
a!localVariables( local!someVar, { a!forEach( items: local!someVar, expression: a!sectionLayout( label: "Section: " & fv!index, divider: "ABOVE", contents: { a!textField( label: "Name", value: fv!, saveInto: fv! ), a!dateField( label: "DoB", value: fv!item.dob, saveInto: fv!item.dob ) } ) ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( icon: "plus", label: "Add Row", value: a!map(name: null, dob: null), saveInto: a!save( target: local!someVar, value: append(local!someVar, save!value) ) ) } ) } )