label: "Hiring Request Form",
contents: {
/* Section: Request Information */
label: "Request Information",
label: "Are you making this hiring request on behalf of yourself or someone else?",
choiceLabels: {"Myself", "For Someone Else"},
choiceValues: {"Myself", "For Someone Else"},
value: ri!requestFor,
saveInto: ri!requestFor
label: "What type of hire do you need?",
choiceLabels: {"Non-Employee", "Direct Staff"},
choiceValues: {"Non-Employee", "Direct Staff"},
value: ri!hireType,
saveInto: ri!hireType
label: "What type of request would you like to make?",
choiceLabels: {"Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion"},
choiceValues: {"Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion"},
value: ri!requestType,
saveInto: ri!requestType
/* Section: Incumbent Details */
label: "Incumbent Details",
showWhen: ri!requestType = "Request Replacement",
label: "Please provide the incumbent's name",
value: ri!incumbentName,
saveInto: ri!incumbentName
label: "Departure Date",
value: ri!departureDate,
saveInto: ri!departureDate
label: "Position ID for this role in R@C (15 characters max)",
value: ri!positionId,
saveInto: ri!positionId,
maxLength: 15
label: "Incumbent's C-Level at Time of Departure",
choiceLabels: {"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"},
choiceValues: {"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"},
value: ri!cLevel,
saveInto: ri!cLevel
/* Section: C-Level Change */
label: "C-Level Change Request",
label: "Would you like to request for the role's C-level to be changed?",
choiceLabels: {"Yes", "No"},
choiceValues: {"Yes", "No"},
value: ri!cLevelChange,
saveInto: ri!cLevelChange
label: "Please select the C-Level for this Role",
value: ri!newCLevel,
saveInto: ri!newCLevel,
showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes"
label: "Explanation for the Change",
value: ri!explanation,
saveInto: ri!explanation,
showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes",
maxLength: 250
/* Section: Current Role Location */
label: "Current Role Location",
label: "What is the current location of this role?",
value: ri!roleLocation,
saveInto: ri!roleLocation
buttons: a!buttonLayout(
primaryButtons: {
label: "Next",
style: "PRIMARY",
saveInto: {} /* Add save actions here */,
validate: true
secondaryButtons: {
label: "Cancel",
style: "NORMAL"
Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible
a!formLayout( label: "Hiring Request Form", contents: { /* Section: Request Information */ a!sectionLayout( label: "Request Information", contents: { a!radioButtonField( label: "Are you making this hiring request on behalf of yourself or someone else?", choiceLabels: { "Myself", "For Someone Else" }, choiceValues: { "Myself", "For Someone Else" }, value: ri!requestFor, saveInto: ri!requestFor ), a!radioButtonField( label: "What type of hire do you need?", choiceLabels: { "Non-Employee", "Direct Staff" }, choiceValues: { "Non-Employee", "Direct Staff" }, value: ri!hireType, saveInto: ri!hireType ), a!radioButtonField( label: "What type of request would you like to make?", choiceLabels: { "Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion" }, choiceValues: { "Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion" }, value: ri!requestType, saveInto: ri!requestType ) } ), /* Section: Incumbent Details */ a!sectionLayout( label: "Incumbent Details", showWhen: ri!requestType = "Request Replacement", contents: { a!textField( label: "Please provide the incumbent's name", value: ri!incumbentName, saveInto: ri!incumbentName ), a!dateField( label: "Departure Date", value: ri!departureDate, saveInto: ri!departureDate ), a!textField( label: "Position ID for this role in R@C (15 characters max)", value: ri!positionId, saveInto: ri!positionId ), a!dropdownField( label: "Incumbent's C-Level at Time of Departure", choiceLabels: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, choiceValues: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, value: ri!cLevel, saveInto: ri!cLevel ) } ), /* Section: C-Level Change */ a!sectionLayout( label: "C-Level Change Request", showWhen: ri!requestType = "Request Replacement", contents: { a!radioButtonField( label: "Would you like to request for the role's C-level to be changed?", choiceLabels: { "Yes", "No" }, choiceValues: { "Yes", "No" }, value: ri!cLevelChange, saveInto: ri!cLevelChange ), a!dropdownField( label: "Please select the C-Level for this Role", choiceLabels: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, choiceValues: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, value: ri!newCLevel, saveInto: ri!newCLevel, showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes" ), a!paragraphField( label: "Explanation for the Change", value: ri!explanation, saveInto: ri!explanation, showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes" ) } ), /* Section: Current Role Location */ a!sectionLayout( label: "Current Role Location", contents: { a!textField( label: "What is the current location of this role?", value: ri!roleLocation, saveInto: ri!roleLocation ) } ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Next", style: "SOLID", saveInto: {}/* Add save actions here */, validate: true ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget(label: "Cancel", style: "LINK") } ) )
Please replace style in button widget component.
style (Text): Determines the button's appearance and behavior.
Valid values: "OUTLINE" (default), "GHOST", "LINK", "SOLID".
Hi Klaus34 ,
You need to use characterLimit, but you've used maxLength. Please replace that. Also, you have used PRIMARY and Normal as button styles, but you should use Primary or Secondary or any other valid hexacode or null, depending on your buttons or as per the requirements.
label: "Request Replacement - Incumbent Details",
/* Section 1: Incumbent Details */
saveInto: ri!incumbentName,
required: true
saveInto: ri!departureDate,
maxLength: 15,
value: ri!cLevelAtDeparture,
saveInto: ri!cLevelAtDeparture,
/* Section 2: C-Level Change Request */
saveInto: ri!cLevelChange,
value: ri!explanationForChange,
saveInto: ri!explanationForChange,
maxLength: 250,
labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
value: a!richTextItem(
text: "HR approval is needed for roles that are C15 and above.",
style: "STRONG"
/* Section 3: Role Location */
saveInto: ri!roleLocation,
/* Buttons Section */
label: "Submit",
validate: true,
saveInto: { /* Add process or record save logic here */ }
here is the Updated code
a!formLayout( label: "Hiring Request Form", contents: { /* Section: Request Information */ a!sectionLayout( label: "Request Information", contents: { a!radioButtonField( label: "Are you making this hiring request on behalf of yourself or someone else?", choiceLabels: { "Myself", "For Someone Else" }, choiceValues: { "Myself", "For Someone Else" }, value: ri!requestFor, saveInto: ri!requestFor ), a!radioButtonField( label: "What type of hire do you need?", choiceLabels: { "Non-Employee", "Direct Staff" }, choiceValues: { "Non-Employee", "Direct Staff" }, value: ri!hireType, saveInto: ri!hireType ), a!radioButtonField( label: "What type of request would you like to make?", choiceLabels: { "Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion" }, choiceValues: { "Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion" }, value: ri!requestType, saveInto: ri!requestType ) } ), /* Section: Incumbent Details */ a!sectionLayout( label: "Incumbent Details", showWhen: ri!requestType = "Request Replacement", contents: { a!textField( label: "Please provide the incumbent's name", value: ri!incumbentName, saveInto: ri!incumbentName ), a!dateField( label: "Departure Date", value: ri!departureDate, saveInto: ri!departureDate ), a!textField( label: "Position ID for this role in R@C (15 characters max)", value: ri!positionId, saveInto: ri!positionId, characterLimit: 15 ), a!dropdownField( label: "Incumbent's C-Level at Time of Departure", choiceLabels: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, choiceValues: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, value: ri!cLevel, saveInto: ri!cLevel ) } ), /* Section: C-Level Change */ a!sectionLayout( label: "C-Level Change Request", showWhen: ri!requestType = "Request Replacement", contents: { a!radioButtonField( label: "Would you like to request for the role's C-level to be changed?", choiceLabels: { "Yes", "No" }, choiceValues: { "Yes", "No" }, value: ri!cLevelChange, saveInto: ri!cLevelChange ), a!dropdownField( label: "Please select the C-Level for this Role", choiceLabels: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, choiceValues: { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5" }, value: ri!newCLevel, saveInto: ri!newCLevel, showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes" ), a!paragraphField( label: "Explanation for the Change", value: ri!explanation, saveInto: ri!explanation, showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes", characterLimit: 250 ) } ), /* Section: Current Role Location */ a!sectionLayout( label: "Current Role Location", contents: { a!textField( label: "What is the current location of this role?", value: ri!roleLocation, saveInto: ri!roleLocation ) } ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Next", style: "SOLID", /* Add save actions here */ saveInto: {}, validate: true ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", style: "SOLID", color: "NEGATIVE" ) } ) )
What is the question?
=a!formLayout( label: "Direct Staff Hiring Request", contents: { a!sideBySideLayout( items: { /* Left Side Panel for Section Navigation */ a!sideBySideItem( width: "MEDIUM", item: a!richTextDisplayField( label: "Navigation Panel", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: { a!richTextItem(text: "Section Navigation", size: "LARGE", style: "STRONG"), char(10), a!richTextItem(text: "1. Basic Information", link: a!dynamicLink(value: 1, saveInto: ri!currentStep), style: "EMPHASIS"), char(10), a!richTextItem(text: "2. Location & Work Details", link: a!dynamicLink(value: 2, saveInto: ri!currentStep), style: "EMPHASIS"), char(10), a!richTextItem(text: "3. Justification", link: a!dynamicLink(value: 3, saveInto: ri!currentStep), style: "EMPHASIS"), char(10), a!richTextItem(text: "4. Financial Information", link: a!dynamicLink(value: 4, saveInto: ri!currentStep), style: "EMPHASIS") } ) ), /* Right Side for Existing Form Content */ a!sideBySideItem( width: "WIDE", item: a!cardLayout( contents: { /* Display section based on the current step */ a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: if( ri!currentStep = 1, "Basic Information Section", if( ri!currentStep = 2, "Location & Work Details Section", if( ri!currentStep = 3, "Justification Section", "Financial Information Section" ) ) ) ) ), /* Placeholder for form fields */ a!textField(label: "Sample Field", value: ri!sampleField, saveInto: ri!sampleField) } ) ) } ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget(label: "Submit", style: "PRIMARY") } ) )
 label: "Justification Page for Direct Staff",
 contents: {
   label: "What would be a good title for this role?",
   labelPosition: "ABOVE",
   value: ri!roleTitle,
   saveInto: ri!roleTitle,
   placeholder: "Enter role title (max 60 characters)",
   validations: if(len(ri!roleTitle) > 60, "Title cannot exceed 60 characters.", null),
   required: true
   label: "Please tell us about the role, including an overview of its responsibilities and why it is important for your team",
   value: ri!roleOverview,
   saveInto: ri!roleOverview,
   placeholder: "Describe the role (max 200 characters)",
   validations: if(len(ri!roleOverview) > 200, "Description cannot exceed 200 characters.", null),
   label: "What is the reason this role is necessary?",
   choiceLabels: {"Business Expansion", "Backfill", "New Department"},
   value: ri!roleReason,
   saveInto: ri!roleReason,
   placeholder: "Select the reason for this role",
   label: "Please explain why you selected the reason for this role",
   value: ri!reasonExplanation,
   saveInto: ri!reasonExplanation,
   placeholder: "Explain your reason (max 200 characters)",
   validations: if(len(ri!reasonExplanation) > 200, "Explanation cannot exceed 200 characters.", null),
 buttons: a!buttonLayout(
  primaryButtons: {
    label: "Submit",
    style: "PRIMARY",
    saveInto: {},
    submit: true
  secondaryButtons: {
    label: "Cancel",
    style: "NORMAL",
    submit: false
Again, what is your issue, problem or question?