label: "Hiring Request Form",
contents: {
/* Section: Request Information */
label: "Request Information",
label: "Are you making this hiring request on behalf of yourself or someone else?",
choiceLabels: {"Myself", "For Someone Else"},
choiceValues: {"Myself", "For Someone Else"},
value: ri!requestFor,
saveInto: ri!requestFor
label: "What type of hire do you need?",
choiceLabels: {"Non-Employee", "Direct Staff"},
choiceValues: {"Non-Employee", "Direct Staff"},
value: ri!hireType,
saveInto: ri!hireType
label: "What type of request would you like to make?",
choiceLabels: {"Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion"},
choiceValues: {"Add New Role", "Request Replacement", "Request Conversion"},
value: ri!requestType,
saveInto: ri!requestType
/* Section: Incumbent Details */
label: "Incumbent Details",
showWhen: ri!requestType = "Request Replacement",
label: "Please provide the incumbent's name",
value: ri!incumbentName,
saveInto: ri!incumbentName
label: "Departure Date",
value: ri!departureDate,
saveInto: ri!departureDate
label: "Position ID for this role in R@C (15 characters max)",
value: ri!positionId,
saveInto: ri!positionId,
maxLength: 15
label: "Incumbent's C-Level at Time of Departure",
choiceLabels: {"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"},
choiceValues: {"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"},
value: ri!cLevel,
saveInto: ri!cLevel
/* Section: C-Level Change */
label: "C-Level Change Request",
label: "Would you like to request for the role's C-level to be changed?",
choiceLabels: {"Yes", "No"},
choiceValues: {"Yes", "No"},
value: ri!cLevelChange,
saveInto: ri!cLevelChange
label: "Please select the C-Level for this Role",
value: ri!newCLevel,
saveInto: ri!newCLevel,
showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes"
label: "Explanation for the Change",
value: ri!explanation,
saveInto: ri!explanation,
showWhen: ri!cLevelChange = "Yes",
maxLength: 250
/* Section: Current Role Location */
label: "Current Role Location",
label: "What is the current location of this role?",
value: ri!roleLocation,
saveInto: ri!roleLocation
buttons: a!buttonLayout(
primaryButtons: {
label: "Next",
style: "PRIMARY",
saveInto: {} /* Add save actions here */,
validate: true
secondaryButtons: {
label: "Cancel",
style: "NORMAL"
Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible
 label: "Justification Page for Direct Staff",
 contents: {
   label: "What would be a good title for this role?",
   labelPosition: "ABOVE",
   value: ri!roleTitle,
   saveInto: ri!roleTitle,
   placeholder: "Enter role title (max 60 characters)",
   validations: if(len(ri!roleTitle) > 60, "Title cannot exceed 60 characters.", null),
   required: true
   label: "Please tell us about the role, including an overview of its responsibilities and why it is important for your team",
   value: ri!roleOverview,
   saveInto: ri!roleOverview,
   placeholder: "Describe the role (max 200 characters)",
   validations: if(len(ri!roleOverview) > 200, "Description cannot exceed 200 characters.", null),
   label: "What is the reason this role is necessary?",
   choiceLabels: {"Business Expansion", "Backfill", "New Department"},
   value: ri!roleReason,
   saveInto: ri!roleReason,
   placeholder: "Select the reason for this role",
   label: "Please explain why you selected the reason for this role",
   value: ri!reasonExplanation,
   saveInto: ri!reasonExplanation,
   placeholder: "Explain your reason (max 200 characters)",
   validations: if(len(ri!reasonExplanation) > 200, "Explanation cannot exceed 200 characters.", null),
 buttons: a!buttonLayout(
  primaryButtons: {
    label: "Submit",
    style: "PRIMARY",
    saveInto: {},
    submit: true
  secondaryButtons: {
    label: "Cancel",
    style: "NORMAL",
    submit: false
Again, what is your issue, problem or question?