Write to excel template - insert rows dynamically in excel template in process model

Hello Team,

We have a requirement to populate data into an excel template which will spawn for multiple sheets. This would be in a process model as we fetch the data to populate from a rest service.

We were able to achieve populating data into the excel template using the using "Export Data Store Entity to Excel Smart Service". It works fine for regular mapping.

But we are stuck with these 2 requirements. 

1) We are were not able to dynamically insert rows into output excel sheet in this flow, when needed. There is a requirement to dynamically insert and populate rows in certain places (in the template), which we are not able to get through.

2) Also we are looking to see if there are any plugins or ability to dynamically delete redundant sheet from the output excel.

Appreciate any inputs and suggestions.

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  • Thanks for your response. But we have no issue in populating the excel template using "Export Data Store Entity to Excel Smart Service". But this wouldn't insert rows into excel sheet.

    As the excel template is 'quite a template' with its own formats and could change periodically - we don't want to replicate that into an HTML - which will inflict lot of work into Appian and push us to do change the HTML consistently.

    Feel free to suggest an alternatives if you come across.

    Thanks again for your time for thinking through this.