Hi, I have been to the sail recipes and can't quite figure out how to do wha

Hi, I have been to the sail recipes and can't quite figure out how to do what I want. I would like to have a grid view that has a text item in one column and a dropdown in the other. The items in the text column will come from a process variable and the dropdowns should all be a copy of the same dropdown, basically same choice values and choice labels. A recipe and detailed instructions would be much appreciaated as I have only worked with Appian/sail for about 2 weeks.

Thanks in advance for any help!



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  • First off, you can view code for numerous grid-based SAIL recipes here: forum.appian.com/.../SAIL_Recipes.html

    A custom-made SAIL Recipe that does what you describe would be:

    local!choice_txts: {"Choice One", "Choice Two", "Choice Three"},
              firstColumnContents: {
                                  label:"Grid Label",
                                  instructions: "Grid instructions",
                                  headerCells: {a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label:"Column 1", align:"CENTER"),a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label:"Column 2", align:"CENTER")},
                                  columnConfigs: {a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"DISTRIBUTE")},
                                  rows: {a!gridRowLayout(contents:{a!textField(value:tostring(local!choice_txts), readOnly:true, disabled:false, align:"CENTER", required:false), a!dropdownField(value:1, choiceLabels:local!choice_txts,choiceValues: {1,2,3})})},
                                  selectable: false
  • I had found the SAIL recipes and was having trouble translating into what I needed, but was finally able to get it working. Thank you so much for your help, It is much appreciated.
  • Well for doing that use editable grid,have a look here forum.appian.com/.../SAIL_Components.html there are some examples shown there, no for using dropdown field simply use a!dropdownField() in place of textField same as you use normally while writing SAIL code for the dropdown, I hope this helps