Hi, I have been to the sail recipes and can't quite figure out how to do wha

Hi, I have been to the sail recipes and can't quite figure out how to do what I want. I would like to have a grid view that has a text item in one column and a dropdown in the other. The items in the text column will come from a process variable and the dropdowns should all be a copy of the same dropdown, basically same choice values and choice labels. A recipe and detailed instructions would be much appreciaated as I have only worked with Appian/sail for about 2 weeks.

Thanks in advance for any help!



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  • First off, you can view code for numerous grid-based SAIL recipes here: forum.appian.com/.../SAIL_Recipes.html

    A custom-made SAIL Recipe that does what you describe would be:

    local!choice_txts: {"Choice One", "Choice Two", "Choice Three"},
              firstColumnContents: {
                                  label:"Grid Label",
                                  instructions: "Grid instructions",
                                  headerCells: {a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label:"Column 1", align:"CENTER"),a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label:"Column 2", align:"CENTER")},
                                  columnConfigs: {a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"DISTRIBUTE")},
                                  rows: {a!gridRowLayout(contents:{a!textField(value:tostring(local!choice_txts), readOnly:true, disabled:false, align:"CENTER", required:false), a!dropdownField(value:1, choiceLabels:local!choice_txts,choiceValues: {1,2,3})})},
                                  selectable: false
  • First off, you can view code for numerous grid-based SAIL recipes here: forum.appian.com/.../SAIL_Recipes.html

    A custom-made SAIL Recipe that does what you describe would be:

    local!choice_txts: {"Choice One", "Choice Two", "Choice Three"},
              firstColumnContents: {
                                  label:"Grid Label",
                                  instructions: "Grid instructions",
                                  headerCells: {a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label:"Column 1", align:"CENTER"),a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label:"Column 2", align:"CENTER")},
                                  columnConfigs: {a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"DISTRIBUTE")},
                                  rows: {a!gridRowLayout(contents:{a!textField(value:tostring(local!choice_txts), readOnly:true, disabled:false, align:"CENTER", required:false), a!dropdownField(value:1, choiceLabels:local!choice_txts,choiceValues: {1,2,3})})},
                                  selectable: false
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