#mails I am trying to export a report in excel by using a send mail button. Ther

#mails I am trying to export a report in excel by using a send mail button. There are total 6 reports. For all other reports the mail is working fine, but for one report, the mail is going to the junk folder. Can you please help?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @ankitab: As the other users here have mentioned previously, this is almost certainly a setting on your e-mail provider's end (perhaps related to your individual account settings and perhaps not). The easiest way to troubleshoot this would be to send the exact same set of e-mails to different addresses: try a personal address, maybe a second personal address using another provider, a different user at your company, etc. My instinct tells me that the results will vary for each of these, and that most should allow all e-mails to land in the regular inbox.

    To fix the issue for the e-mail address you're attempting to use primarily, once again it depends on your particular e-mail provider; if it were Gmail, just for example, you would need to open the message in the Junk folder and click "Mark Not Spam"; in Gmail this trains the filters to hopefully avoid this "false positive" in the future. Many other e-mail providers now have similar functionality, though the details vary.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @ankitab: As the other users here have mentioned previously, this is almost certainly a setting on your e-mail provider's end (perhaps related to your individual account settings and perhaps not). The easiest way to troubleshoot this would be to send the exact same set of e-mails to different addresses: try a personal address, maybe a second personal address using another provider, a different user at your company, etc. My instinct tells me that the results will vary for each of these, and that most should allow all e-mails to land in the regular inbox.

    To fix the issue for the e-mail address you're attempting to use primarily, once again it depends on your particular e-mail provider; if it were Gmail, just for example, you would need to open the message in the Junk folder and click "Mark Not Spam"; in Gmail this trains the filters to hopefully avoid this "false positive" in the future. Many other e-mail providers now have similar functionality, though the details vary.
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