We had a process model (and corresponding tempo action) completely disappear fro

We had a process model (and corresponding tempo action) completely disappear from our Appian instance after restarting. We are on version 16.1 hotfix B. The folder is there, all of the other process models are there, but the main model is gone. The currently running processes are still there but the model is gone.

any ideas? this was a pretty important process model to our application.



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  • Does someone know your credentials to the system? You could attempt to cross reference to the user-request-audit.csv log at the time it happened. That log has an IP address associated with it which you could check to your IP address. Although not 100% it might give you an idea of whether or not YOU actually deleted it or someone logged in as you deleted it.
  • Does someone know your credentials to the system? You could attempt to cross reference to the user-request-audit.csv log at the time it happened. That log has an IP address associated with it which you could check to your IP address. Although not 100% it might give you an idea of whether or not YOU actually deleted it or someone logged in as you deleted it.
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