Hello everyone. I'm trying to solve for an issue that has rendered the news

Hello everyone. I'm trying to solve for an issue that has rendered the news feed useles for our organizeation. I have a number of processes where a request is entered by a user, assigned to a group, then a user from that group takes ownership. The request may get reassigned to different users to complete the work along the way. I want to have a news feed item that gets generated when the request is submitted only visable to the requestor, then when the analyst picks up the request, the feed should become visable to them also. If the request gets reassigned, the feed should become visable to the new analyst also. The problem is that once the viewers are established, I have no way to update who the viewers are. So I'm stuck with only the reqeustor or everyone since I don't knwo who the analyst will be when I initiate the post and I have no idea how many times the task may get reassigned. Follow record doesn't help since it is still limited by the securi...



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  • I'm not aware of any way to programmatically unsubscribe users from a feed in bulk. In the past I've just tackled it as a part of training. Often times we'll also use the personalization feature which allows the end user to decide if they want to see all posts to the feed, only posts that are relevant to his or her business group, or only posts that are associated with requests he or she is assigned to.
  • I'm not aware of any way to programmatically unsubscribe users from a feed in bulk. In the past I've just tackled it as a part of training. Often times we'll also use the personalization feature which allows the end user to decide if they want to see all posts to the feed, only posts that are relevant to his or her business group, or only posts that are associated with requests he or she is assigned to.
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