Hi, Is there a way to add additional viewers via process (automatically) t

Is there a way to add additional viewers via process (automatically) to a New Post Event after it has been created with an initial set of users?



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  • to clarify above question, after a News Post Event has been created with an initial set of users setup as viewers.
  • @gauravg Hi, to the best of my knowledge, there exists two ways to do so:

    1. Post a new feed entry every-time when there is an update in the content of 'Viewers'. I wouldn't say it as a downside, but you need to update the feed entry in the database table (provided if you are storing a feed entry, just to point out to a latest feed entry all the time) every-time and further need to configure the Viewers in such a way that the previous set of users/groups and the new set of users/groups are able to access the feed entry.
    2. Create a dynamic group prior to creating a feed entry, and provide this newly created Group to the feed entry as 'Viewers'. Thereafter you may add/remove the contents of this dynamic group(smart services namely Add Group Members, Remove Group Members should aid you) by performing the Group Management. Simply speaking, the newly created dynamic group is just intended for managing the security of the corresponding news feed entry. Downside of this approach is that you may end up in creating huge number of groups in the system but the management is quiet flexible.

    Just in case, if you haven't gone through the forum prior to making a post, I would suggest exploring the post at https://forum.appian.com/suite/tempo/entry/e-191406 as well if possible.

    Please do let us know in-case if you have any follow-up questions or if this comment didn't answer your question.
  • Hi Sikhivahan,
    Thank you for the input. With option 1, if we created a new post every time a new user was added to a case, it may result in multiple news posts and there wouldn't be a single list of comments under a post. This wouldn't meet the usability requirements, as the users would prefer one list of comments generated for the case. Second option seems more suitable for our use case. Are there any performance implications we need to be aware of with the dynamic group option though? Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
  • @gauravg No worries. Even I would like to prefer to Option - 2 to Option - 1. So far, I am not aware of any performance implications. But from my Forum learning, I came to know that it's not good to make a user, member of more than 100 groups(As per the Option - 2, there can be a possibility that a user can be a member of tens of hundreds of groups). So I would like to leave it to users who has an experience re the performance implications with this kind of approach. Or at-least Appian's core team should be able to address the implications that can arise down the line. If possible, I would like to suggest adding the number of expected groups that can be created (Assuming that you are making use of Dynamic Groups approach) so that someone can quickly comment based on the volume as well.