Cannot clean up locked type when importing application

I am trying to import an application from a 16.1 environment to a 16.2 environment. But I am getting an error about locked CDT.

"A data type could not be updated because it or one of its dependents is currently being updated somewhere else in the system. Please try again later. Details: Invalid Type: Type Error: Cannot clean up locked type - {urn:cdt:isg}ISG_REIMBURSABLE_CHARGE_DETAILS"

Is there a known problem and workaround for exporting and importing from 16.1 to 16.2 version?




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  • If you can please provide some details of how you got the error then it will help us find out where the error is and how to fix it. Were you importing an application when you got the error or just trying to update a CDT through Data Type Designer? Any chance that anyone else was updating that CDT at the same time? Did the application include other data types? Does the data type that errored out have other dependent data types or (nested) precedent data types? Do you still get the error if you try to import it again after one hour?
  • If you can please provide some details of how you got the error then it will help us find out where the error is and how to fix it. Were you importing an application when you got the error or just trying to update a CDT through Data Type Designer? Any chance that anyone else was updating that CDT at the same time? Did the application include other data types? Does the data type that errored out have other dependent data types or (nested) precedent data types? Do you still get the error if you try to import it again after one hour?
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