Cannot clean up locked type when importing application

I am trying to import an application from a 16.1 environment to a 16.2 environment. But I am getting an error about locked CDT.

"A data type could not be updated because it or one of its dependents is currently being updated somewhere else in the system. Please try again later. Details: Invalid Type: Type Error: Cannot clean up locked type - {urn:cdt:isg}ISG_REIMBURSABLE_CHARGE_DETAILS"

Is there a known problem and workaround for exporting and importing from 16.1 to 16.2 version?




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  • Thanks for the response, Zubair - here are the steps which caused the error to occur:
    1. Download [OPA_Supplier] CDT
    2. Update XSD file to add new field
    3. Navigate to designer interface and upload new version of [Supplier] CDT
    - After upload, but during update, I was unexpectedly logged out of Appian.
    - The CDT was not being uploaded by another user at the same time.
    4. After logging back in, the [OPA_Supplier] CDT is no longer available in the list of CDTs.
    5. In attempting to upload the XSD again, I received the following error message:
    "A data type could not be updated because it or one of its dependents is currently being updated somewhere else in the system. Please try again later. Details: Invalid Type: Type Error: Cannot clean up locked type - {urn:com:appian:types:opa}OPA_Supplier"
    - The CDT only has primitive data fields and no nested CDTs.

    We have tried uploading through both /design and /designer portals, logging out and in, uploading with a different user, uploading it within an application, and even restarting the Appian server, but to no avail. It has been > 2 hours since this occurred, and we are running v16.2.
  • Hello , Was there any resolution to the lock issue ?

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