Can't install / run FitNesse

hi all,
I've read the section on automated testing and have attempted to follow the guide on the following page :

However I've hit a couple of problem :
the above, says to download ... This doesn't exist. the bottom of the page, lists a couple of test applications, and a jar file.
I've downloaded the jar file and attempted to start it directly but get the following error :

D:\\FitNesse>java -jar fitnesse-for-appian-1.4.jar
no main manifest attribute, in fitnesse-for-appian-1.4.jar

If I download the standalone fitnesse jar, from the fitnesse website. I can happily start it.


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  • hi pauls, after downloading could you please try to unzip the package with any of the software like 7zip,winrar and winzip etc. After Extracting, navigate to command prompt navigate to folder where u extracted the fitNesse files and then try to start the server using start.bat command
    the server will start on the port 8980. please let us know if you still figure out anything
  • hi pauls, after downloading could you please try to unzip the package with any of the software like 7zip,winrar and winzip etc. After Extracting, navigate to command prompt navigate to folder where u extracted the fitNesse files and then try to start the server using start.bat command
    the server will start on the port 8980. please let us know if you still figure out anything
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