Forgot Password link on Login Page for on premises Appian Env

Hi All,

we want to give a functionality to Users to reset their passwords. We want to give them a link on login page where they can click on that link & it will take them to reset passwords. Any idea how can we do that? We tried to use some jsp for that but it takes Users to login pages first where they have to login first & after login only, it takes Users to reset password page.

Can anyone guide how we can get this functionality achieved?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I see. They mention the jsp to change, but once you try to "navigate into Appian", you of course need to either log in or be "anonymous" via a servlet or something.

    Do you have any other technologies in your suite? We have solved this more externally. For example. Add the link, which redirects to a webpage (help desk tool or html5 tool) to capture a reset request. That ticket is then processed and then a process is initiated to complete the reset and notify the user.

    Hopefully others can share more solutions.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I see. They mention the jsp to change, but once you try to "navigate into Appian", you of course need to either log in or be "anonymous" via a servlet or something.

    Do you have any other technologies in your suite? We have solved this more externally. For example. Add the link, which redirects to a webpage (help desk tool or html5 tool) to capture a reset request. That ticket is then processed and then a process is initiated to complete the reset and notify the user.

    Hopefully others can share more solutions.
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