Live chat functionality

Hello Everyone,

Any idea to create Live chat functionality in Appian ?



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  • Agreed - we've seen aloks176 idea in practice, but you must click a button to refresh other chats on the thread. When you post, you'll see the updated chats from others, but you'd need to click a "Refresh" button or some other user action to pull any new messages from others. Thus, there's not "Live" chat ability without acting on something like stefanh791 explained
  • Agreed - we've seen aloks176 idea in practice, but you must click a button to refresh other chats on the thread. When you post, you'll see the updated chats from others, but you'd need to click a "Refresh" button or some other user action to pull any new messages from others. Thus, there's not "Live" chat ability without acting on something like stefanh791 explained
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