Outlook Integration error

I am using connected system with Oauth2.0 to connect to office365 and get the calendars i m able to authorize using connected system however when testing the base url I get the below error

Invalid credentials

Appian was not able to authenticate with the access token you provided. This request requires Bearer authentication. HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Next Steps

  • This integration is using a connected system with OAuth 2.0 authentication configured. You may need to authorize access to the external system and retry the request.
  • Make sure that you are using the correct OAuth 2.0 configuration for this external system
  • Make sure that the OAuth 2.0 configuration provides the required scope to make this request
  • Check the request and response for more details
  • Review the external systems documentation for information on what may have caused the problem

When i run the authorization its executes successfully.  Has any one seen this issue before or can someone share the Oauth2.0 configuration related to outlook ( For outlook defining a scope is mandatory)

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  • Hi 
    I'm trying to integrate outlook calendar with Appian and followed the above steps with 2 integration objects. I'm able to retrieve the token using first Integration object, but when i invoke the second integration object with the token I'm getting below error. I had stored the Bearer token in ri and passing the same in header.

    Permissions defined in Azure portal.

  • You can always throw the token into https://jwt.io/ to see if it actually has the permissions you think it does.

  • Hi Steve / Simon,

    This is very useful source, i'm on the same steps now.

    I've configured my Appian app on Azure AD using app registration and its integrated with SAML authentication for SSO, would like to call Graph API from Appian process model to create a user thru Appian application.

    I'm trying to confirm the steps on Appian side of configurations. It will be helpful if someone can correct / confirm the approach below.

    1. Create a HTTP connected system object. As its more on application level since Graph API will be called with application permission using service account, I assume preferred authentication method will be "Oauth2.0: Client Credentials Grant"?

    Not sure, what we need to enter on "Scope" and "Token Request Endpoint" where to find and get this data(Azure?)

    Rest of the steps include creating the service account and Integration object? It will be helpful if you can share the steps what other Appian objects to be created to call/test Graph API from Appian(Any KB / Appian doc link), please...

  • My previous comment lists out the most likely token endpoint (https://login.microsoftonline.com/<INSERT_ORG_SPECIFIC_URL>/oauth2/v2.0/token) and scope (https://graph.microsoft.com/.default):


    It has been a few years, but last time I tried, I could not get the Appian "Oauth2.0: Client Credentials Grant" feature working with Graph, which typically means they are not following the OAuth spec exactly. Instead, you can set authentication to "none" in the Connected System, then use one Appian integration object to get the token then pass that token to another Appian integration object that calls the resource. That is what I outlined in my previous comment.

    The rest of the setup is specific to the Graph API you are calling for which you will need to look at Microsoft documentation. A good first step is to set up the calls in Postman to take Appian out of the equation before setting up your Appian integration objects.

  • Thanks Steve, Yes, I've tested Azure AD Graph API functions using Postman outside Appian, it's successful.

    Created the HTTP connected system object with inputs ClientID, Client Secret and Token Request Endpoint - Authentication: OAuth 2.0 client credentials Grant. - Tested using "Authorize" button. "Authorization Successful".

    However, when testing Integration Object using above HTTP connected system object, getting an below error. Any suggestions pls? Thanks.

    Invalid credentials


    Appian was not able to authenticate with the access token you provided. This request requires Bearer authentication. HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Next Steps

    • This integration is using a connected system with OAuth 2.0 Client Credential authentication configured. You may need to authorize access to the external system and retry the request.
    • Make sure that you are using the correct OAuth 2.0 configuration for this external system
    • Make sure that the OAuth 2.0 configuration provides the required scope to make this request
    • Check the request and response for more details
    • Review the external system’s documentation for information on what may have caused the problem

    HTTP Request:

    GET /v1.0/users HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer ****** Host: graph.microsoft.com Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Appian Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

    HTTP Response:

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2021 05:36:22 GMT Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked Vary: Accept-Encoding WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="", authorization_uri="">login.microsoftonline.com/.../authorize", client_id="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 request-id: ef4ec847-5229-4ff6-b9c7-fc8586a7bba9 client-request-id: ef4ec847-5229-4ff6-b9c7-fc8586a7bba9 x-ms-ags-diagnostic: {"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"UK South","Slice":"E","Ring":"3","ScaleUnit":"000","RoleInstance":"LN2PEPF00003306"}}

    {"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.","innerError":{"date":"2021-07-04T05:36:23","request-id":"ef4ec847-5229-4ff6-b9c7-fc8586a7bba9","client-request-id":"ef4ec847-5229-4ff6-b9c7-fc8586a7bba9"}}}

  • Hi Steve,

    Alternatively, I've tried the suggested approaches on the above chain. i.e.  Integration 1 and Integration 2.

    Integration 1 is successful. However, Integration 2 displaying an below error as shown below.  Not sure what needs to be followed here... Could you please suggest on this? - Thanks.

    Authentication is required


    This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Next Steps

    • Bearer authentication typically means OAuth 2.0. Configure a connected system with OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code or Client Credential authentication and retry the request.
    • Check the request and response for more details
    • Review the external system’s documentation for information on what may have caused the problem

    {"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.","innerError":{"date":"2021-07-06T15:54:46","request-id":"10a8a3ad-dummy-41d0-a396-e51d854a83be","client-request-id":"10a8xyz123-2b17-41d0-a396-e51d854a83be"}}}

  • This has been fixed by adding the parameter "resource=https://graph.microsoft.com" on the request body.

    However, still wondering why its not possible to achieve using HTTP connected system object. 


    Thanks Tim / Steve, 

    Connected System object Graph integration issue has been fixed with the parameters Scope https://graph.microsoft.com/.default and “OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2). (In case of Azure AD personal a/c).