fitnesse for Appian: Documentation



I would like to learn a bit more of Fitnesse for Appian, get to be able to create test cases and suites for my Appian application.

Can someone recommend the best material to work with? I am struggling to find step step cases on Appian.




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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hello Manuel,

    I would recommend you to install the fitnesse you just have to unzip it on the filder c:/FitnesseForAppian ( if you are in windows) or to play with the properties if you want it somewhere else.

    Then when running in the http://localhost:8090 you will be able to see all the documentation , specifically the Cheatsheet will help you a lot.

    If you are learning the usage and the syntax take a look at this application which might help you with that,. You have to install it and create a rule for each page you want to test on it and it will help you to learnt the syntax.
    Hope this helps

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to josep
    Thanks Jose,

    I installed and managed to run the test for the test-app. I see a lot of useful information, but still missing how to make the complete suite and tests with the configurations. I see some kind of imports done for the settings, I managed to modify the test sample test case, but I am missing a how to, step by step - from creating the configs, to reusing them etc - .

    I was wondering if there was more material, but I guess that it is, you need to learn fitnesse from fitnesse.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to ManuelHTG

    Hello Manuel,

    Are you looking for something specific on the configurations of the pages? If so that is something most of the times you won’t be using. Or you are looking for other configurations?

    In the installation there is an example of a suite, if you don’t find it let me know I can run it and let you know exactly where it is but it is simpler than you might think. I remember there is a mother section in the documentation on how to structure the suites.

    1_test suite



    2_test suite

    The test suite most of the time will have some information as explanation and the

    | ... contents ... |

    You can add some additional pages (children of the suite) like SetUp, TearDown or ScenarioLibrary

    Those help a lot

    Hope this helps


  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to josep
    Hello Jose,

    The organization makes sense, I was able to run some of the tests.

    There are few things that are not so clear for me right now, but I guess I will find out. For instance, on the tests, there are some "imports". If you click on edit, those configurations needed for starting the test aren't there, neither invoked. If i try to create a test from scratch, it fails and it does not have the configurations to initiate. The test sample make references to those libraries and says:.

    "These scenarios will be accessible to all test cases in the the FitNesseRoot folder. If you are using a different FitNesseRoot Folder, make sure to copy these files if using any setup scenarios."

    I found the folder at "C:\Fitness\FitNesseForAppian\FitNesseRoot\ScenarioLibrary", and it seems to be in the right place, so not sure what should i do on my "new" test case.

    Thanks for checking!

  • Once you have installed fitnesse for Appian use the following link to get more information
    http://localhost:<Port Number>/FrontPage

    FitNesse for Appian Cheat Sheet: will have the documentation on how to use different methods.
    Examples will help you get started by having sample suites and test cases.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Hi ManuelHTG,

    1) Click on the below link and download the Fitnesse
    2) Extract the zip file into the one of the drives in the system
    3) Go the location in the unzipped folder FitNesseForAppian\configs
    4) Open the file,
    a) Configure the location of unzipped Fitnesse folder for “automated.testing.home”.
    Ex: automated.testing.home=D:/FitNesseForAppian
    b) Configure the appian version for the system in which you want run the fitnesse for “FITNESSE_FOR_APPIAN_VERSION”.
    5) Open the file,
    a) Map the list of users and their credentials in the file, which are used for logging into the appian
    Ex: testuser1=test1234
    List of users for Application and their passwords which we need to configure in are,
    6) Click on start.bat which will be present in the FitnesseForAppian folder and you will be prompted with the command prompt as fitnesse started with the port details as below,

    7) Open the browser and type localhost:portnumber, for instance localhost:8980
    8) You will find the Cheat Sheet in which you will find the scripts for fields
    9) Under Examples you will find one TestExample and one can use it for checking the fitnesse connection
    10) On top of the page you will find Edit option. Click on “Edit” in order to edit the TestExample script
    11) You will be directed to the TestExample script page and under that you will find this Initialization part, which you need to configure as per your requisites.
    12) And later below to this initialization you need to start your script.

    13) After finishing you script save the script and click on “Test” which will be available on top the saved script

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to ManuelHTG

    I managed to create the complete suite and test cases from scratch. For me that is important before I try to automated any test case.

    What I was actually looking was not under Appian documentation for fitnesse, it was here: localhost:8980/FitNesse.UserGuide.WritingAcceptanceTests.SpecialPages

    From my understanding, using this reserved words will help to organize all those actions and data that are in common between the different test cases.

    Thanks for the guidelines.

    Manuel HTG
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to ManuelHTG
    Great to hear that Manuel,

    Btw in a previous post I mentioned if you are learning the syntax take a look at their application and never pasted the link so here it is,

    Hope this helps
  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to josep
    Nice! indeed helpful, thank you
  • Hi Krishna,

    Good day.

    Please let me know where to install the zip file? Is it on our local system (or) where Appian is installed?

    Extract the zip file into the one of the drives in the system?