Import Excel to Database


This is the new Smart Service in Process modeler "Import Excel to Database", and there is no Documentation available regarding this.

Can anyone help me out that how to use it.

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  • Posted this on another thread, but it may helpful here too...

    I had the same issue with the PK not being generated, but figured it out.

    I had a CDT called testTable with columns: id, firstName, lastName
    id was defined as the primary key and set to autogenerate
    Database table was built from the CDT through appian

    My spreadsheet has columns for firstName and lastName, but nothing for the id.
    Looks like the plugin was making a straight insert using the columns and data supplied without knowing or doing anything about the id field.

    like this...
    insert into testTable (firstName, lastName) values ("bob", "barker")

    The trick was to create the table and CDT in the other order.

    First manually create the table in the database with an auto increment primary key
    Next create the CDT using the option, 'Create from database table or view'
    Point your CDT to the newly created table

    Now the database knows what to do about the primary key and the import will work.

    Instructions for an auto increment pk in oracle...

    Hope this helps
