End of support for Basic Authentication access to Exchange Online API’s for Office 365


I wanted to ask if there is any plan to replace or if is there any work around to Basic Authentication to Poll emails with POP or IMAP or EWS as it is running out of support based on article here : 

For full context I am referring to procedure described here : https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/19.3/Mail_Server_Setup.html#configuring-appian-to-poll-an-email-account

Thanks in advance for the answers/advice .

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  • I just came across the same article and am wondering the same in regards to support. We're moving our email polling to outlook.office365.com using IMAPS and would hate to have to do this again next fall.

    for your custom.properties configurations are you using outlook.office365.com as your mailServer? And if so, what works for your username? I'm curious if we'll have to use the full email address "Appian@<company>.onmicrosoft.com" or if the username "Appian" will work as it did with our internal exchange server even though the domain is changing. I'm guessing we'll need to use the full email address.

    Also, have you had any issues with the poll interval? We haven't received a clear answer from microsoft on whether or not 60000ms (1 minute) polling will cause issues. 

  • I had the same problem finding login with IMAP because our requirement was to use shared mailbox. If you want to poll just basic mailbox you just use email address e.g. USERNAME@ACC-KBC-GROUP.COM in my case. with mailserver set to outlook.office365.com and for IMAP usually the port will be 993 but to be sure you have to check it with your infrastructure people. If you want to poll shared mailbox you cant directly get into it with mail address you need account with which you will connect to that mailbox so in our case I want to connect to mailbox kbclease@domain.be , and I want to connect trough USERNAME@ACC-KBC-GROUP.COM so in property file the username has to be USERNAME@ACC-KBC-GROUP.COM\\kbclease .

    We set Our poll interval on 300000 with no issues but I am no expert here so I would suggest to test 60000 first evaluate if there is any performance issue and adjust if needed.

    Ofcourse this AFAIK doesn't solve the problem with basic Authentication . For this I am waiting an answer from Appian engineer that I am in contact with.

  • I had the same problem finding login with IMAP because our requirement was to use shared mailbox. If you want to poll just basic mailbox you just use email address e.g. USERNAME@ACC-KBC-GROUP.COM in my case. with mailserver set to outlook.office365.com and for IMAP usually the port will be 993 but to be sure you have to check it with your infrastructure people. If you want to poll shared mailbox you cant directly get into it with mail address you need account with which you will connect to that mailbox so in our case I want to connect to mailbox kbclease@domain.be , and I want to connect trough USERNAME@ACC-KBC-GROUP.COM so in property file the username has to be USERNAME@ACC-KBC-GROUP.COM\\kbclease .

    We set Our poll interval on 300000 with no issues but I am no expert here so I would suggest to test 60000 first evaluate if there is any performance issue and adjust if needed.

    Ofcourse this AFAIK doesn't solve the problem with basic Authentication . For this I am waiting an answer from Appian engineer that I am in contact with.

  • Thank you for the information! We tested last night with the full email address as UserName with polling set to 60000ms. We had no issues but we won't know about the polling interval until we leave this live after our permanent change next week. I'll report back if we end up having issues with the polling interval.

    Would you mind letting me know what the engineer says regarding support for Basic Authentication? 

    Thank you!