authentication issue with web API

Dear Team,

Hope you all are doing well and Happy NEw Year 2020 in advance.

I am new to web API objects in APPIAN and trying to develop one. Goal is to make data in one of my data store entity available to third party system outside APPIAN.

Here is what I did : Created a web API with GET 'Query Data Store' template and passed my data store entity in it. Created a http connected system with basic authentication usernam/password combo. Created third party credntials as well (not sure if this is required). Created integration object with basic authentication.

Now when I am hitting the URL in same session of chrome or test the API within API, I get expected data in JSON format 200 Ok. Eveything looks fine here but as soon as access the api URL from other machin or in other session of IE, I get following error :

{"resource":"\/suite\/webapi\/rpttr","error":"APNX-1-4187-000","message":"Authentication failed. Please check your credentials and try again.","title":"An Error Has Occurred"}

and when I am testing integration object : I get following error
"Appian was not able to authenticate with the username and password you provided. This request requires Basic authentication."

I know its a naive question but any help to sort this would be appreciated.


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  • Hi Vidhu,

    In order to use a Web API, follow the steps.

    Create one Service Account user

    Add the Service Account user to the Service Account group

    Go to the Admin console, under API Keys create one API key and mention the Service Account User

    Once you create you will get the API key and save it first.

    Create Web API access group, add the Service Account user in that group

    Create Web API

    Add security for the Web API by making  Web API access group as viewers

    Create a connected system with API key Authentication by providing header Appian-API-Key or as mentioned in community

    Call the integration as a rule by passing the required parameters if any.

    In old versions.

    You have to create a user with the same basic authentication username and password

    You need to create the secure credential store with the same basic authentication username and password

    You have to add the user to the Web API Access group (Any group that has to access the Web API)

    You have to make Web API Access group as a viewer to the web api and the application.

  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to Dude

    A service account is recommended but not required.  Good to keep these in mind as typically, not that service accounts are available, there are benefits to using them in production.

    Also, while there are some use cases to connect to an Appian Web API from an Appian Integration; two things to consider:
    1) speaking personally - I've only encountered 1 use case of this that I believe is valid.
    2) for the general public the use case is going to be to access Appian from an external system.  for this reason, I would encourage the use of a 3rd party client for testing.  Calling Appian from Appian isn't a strong validation of the expected behavior of request that originates from an external source.

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to Robert Shankin

    I have mentioned both the ways of creation for the learner's convenience. Thank you.

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