Hello, Iam try to integrate APPIAN 7.4 with LDAP 2003, We have created a gr

Iam try to integrate APPIAN 7.4 with LDAP 2003, We have created a group in LDAP, and added the SA. But iam getting badcredentials exception. Let me know if anything is missing.

My configuration is mentioned below:

<constructor-arg value="ldap://corp.name.net:389/DC=corp,DC=name,DC=net"/>
<property name="userDn" value="Sa-Appian"/>
<property name="password" value="test123"/>
<bean id="userSearch_lds" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.search.FilterBasedLdapUserSearch">
<constructor-arg index="0" value=""/>
<constructor-arg index="1" value="(&amp;(sAMAccountName={0})(memberof=OU=Appian_Users,DC=corp,DC=name,DC=net))"/>



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  • If you are getting this error:

    Authentication request failed: org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Bad credentials

    this means you haven't created the user in Appian. Remember that accounts have to exist beforehand (the password is not relevant since Appian will authenticate against your LDAP server but the account needs to exist in Appian first).

    For example, if a user types: "eduardoFuentes" as the user then there should be an account both in LDAP and in Appian (people tab) with that exact name for the authentication to succeed, otherwise Appian will get the "good to go" from LDAP but when it tries to see if there's a user inside Appian with that username, if not present, a BadCredentialsException is thrown.
  • If you are getting this error:

    Authentication request failed: org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Bad credentials

    this means you haven't created the user in Appian. Remember that accounts have to exist beforehand (the password is not relevant since Appian will authenticate against your LDAP server but the account needs to exist in Appian first).

    For example, if a user types: "eduardoFuentes" as the user then there should be an account both in LDAP and in Appian (people tab) with that exact name for the authentication to succeed, otherwise Appian will get the "good to go" from LDAP but when it tries to see if there's a user inside Appian with that username, if not present, a BadCredentialsException is thrown.
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