Can anyone please guide me on how to integrate the ft_config in SFTP smart services for sending and receiving files through SFTP. I've read the documentation - https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/sftp-smart-services?CommentSortBy=CreatedDate&CommentSortOrder=Ascending&pifragment-12437=3#:~:text=Contains%20multiple%20Smart%20Services%20for,Features%20support%20for%20zlib%20compression. and it is not helping.
Kindly help me complete this task.
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Hi, can you be more specific on what is not working? (error message) or what you have tried so far?
I've created a Custom data type (ft_config) which consist of :
As mentioned in the document.
Now I've passed this 'ft_config' in the Inputs tab under SFTP Receive File Smart service. There was no error while executing but none of the files are getting received.
Did you check the log files for any errors?
Not sure what exactly to check in the log files
For an error message around the time you ran the process. In the tomcat-stdOut.log
On checking the log files I found this log message displaying,
"This plug-in [com.appiancorp.a2.process.runtime.activities.sftp] is not registered to access secured values for the given external system key [null]. Check the external systems plug-ins list in the Administration Console. (APNX-1-4229-003)".
The previous error I received was, " WARN com.appiancorp.common.ObjectSynchronizer - 1 services were missing users. "
You need to add the plugin in the secure credentials screen. You should also make sure your credentials have the right names as explained here: community.appian.com/.../sftp-third-party-credentials