SFTP smart services


Can anyone please guide me on how to integrate the ft_config in SFTP smart services for sending and receiving files through SFTP. I've read the documentation - https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/sftp-smart-services?CommentSortBy=CreatedDate&CommentSortOrder=Ascending&pifragment-12437=3#:~:text=Contains%20multiple%20Smart%20Services%20for,Features%20support%20for%20zlib%20compression. and it is not helping.

Kindly help me complete this task.

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Parents Reply
  • On checking the log files I found this log message displaying,

    "This plug-in [com.appiancorp.a2.process.runtime.activities.sftp] is not registered to access secured values for the given external system key [null]. Check the external systems plug-ins list in the Administration Console. (APNX-1-4229-003)".

    The previous error I received was, " WARN com.appiancorp.common.ObjectSynchronizer - 1 services were missing users. "
