Appian Web API with in Appian Integration

I created a Web api and tried to use it in Appian Integration of same environment but I am getting time out error, how can I resolve the issue.

The web api is of POST method with startprocess. The process model is triggering but I am getting below error in Integration

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Parents Reply
  • Your just trying to write data to back end there are two more  templates write to datastore entity and write record which work way faster than running a process and getting data out of it. I have seen your screenshots they are taking way more time .In your first screenshot it's taking >200 secs and second one it showing >100 we said to increase the time but you are not doing that. You are saying it's not related to timeout because it's working fine in Postman we don't know your configuration in postman. 

    Appian doesn't throw a random error , "If it's related to timeout it throws error just like what we are seeing in your screenshots".Appian clearly suggesting you too increase the timeout.
