Hi All, I am using "Receive File Over FTP" plugin. I a

Hi All,

I am using "Receive File Over FTP" plugin.
I added the configurations using admin console for the destination server.

When I try to execute the process, it runs but nothing is generated in output.
In server.og, it gives below error.
"09:51:29,785 INFO [stdout] (Appian Work Item - 55 - ProcessExec02 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest) 2015-01-20 09:51:29,782 [Appian Work Item - 55 - ProcessExec02 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appian.ps.plugins.sftpsmartservices.ReceiveFileOverFTP - Error getting message for code missing.scs.field from bundle SFTPSmartServices.ReceiveFileOverFTP"

Anyone faced this issue earlier?
Any pointers how to configure this node?...




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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Hi Ashish,
    Please check the node input 'Use Per User Credentials' value. If it is set with true, Please set it to false (use site wide credentials) to work it out.
    If you want to select true then the user who is executing this must have ftp credentials configured in their third party store.
    Please refer to this link for more details on Credentials.
  • Adding to that, to clear these two errors (unknown source and UnattendedJavaActivityRequest), you need to specify the server host name (IP address) and document relative path (/parent/child/filename.extension) correctly.
    Provide authenticated credentials in third party credentials store, otherwise while execution you will get error as "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" in log, Receive file over FTP node output will give null result without specfying error code.
  • Hi Ashish, any luck with fixing the issue you faced ? I am having exact same issue but with SendFileOverFTP smart service.

    ProcessExec00 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest ERROR com.appian.ps.plugins.sftpsmartservices.SendFileOverFTP - Error getting message for code missing.scs.field from bundle SFTPSmartServices.SendFileOverFTP.

    Can you please let me know what was the cause and the fix ?
  • Below are some things which you can check:
    1. Verify is the credentials for the server are properly configured.
    2. Try to connect to FTP server by accessing URL "ftp://<YOUR_HOSTNAME>/<FOLDER_NAME>" with the same user creds which is configured in Appian Server.
    2. As mentioned by Radhaa above, You need to check the hostname/ip address is given properly. Check the path of the files on FTP server is configured properly(e.g. "/Files/Images").
    3. Please verify the port number given is proper.
    4. Additionally, check the firewall settings for the FTP server is enabled/not. Sometimes you need to enable FTP port explicitly using inbound/outbound rules in Firewall settings.
    Hope this helps.
  • Thanks a lot Ashish, the issue was due to the #4 (firewall) you had mentioned. Since the Appian instance is on cloud and I was trying to SFTP/FTP to a server in client network, the firewall was restricting it.
  • @ashish,

    I am getting this error

    10:18:47,110 INFO [stdout] (Appian Timer - 0) 2016-07-15 10:18:47,110 [Appian Timer - 0] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.timer.timers.TransientTopicHeartbeat - No acknowledgement from TransientTopic, forcing rules cache to be cleared now.
    10:18:56,702 INFO [stdout] (ajp-/ 2016-07-15 10:18:56,701 [ajp-/] INFO com.appiancorp.content.ContentServiceJavaImpl_Delete - Successful deletion of objects: ids=120346; types=Document; names=["Test Excel"]; deleted by user=[SCMDev3].
    10:18:58,344 ERROR [stderr] (Appian Work Item - 10768 - ProcessExec00 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Stream handler unavailable due to: null

    Any clue that what it would be ? I am using Send File Over FTP and SFTP as well