Hi all, We are trying to access the Appian web service (process model

Hi all,

We are trying to access the Appian web service (process model exposed as a web service) from outside the Appian environment.

The endpoint for the web service is: bpm-meridian-uat.alldata.net/.../PRFMeridianProcess. Though, we are able to access the web service endpoint directly in a web browser. But when we try loading web service in SOAP UI, it gives the following error.

Error loading [https://bpm-meridian-uat.alldata.net/suite/webservice/processmodel/PRFMeridianProcess?WSDL]: java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url; bpm-meridian-uat.alldata.net/.../PRFMeridianProcess, 0

To load the WSDL in SOAP UI, we downloaded the WSDL and browsed it from our local machine. Now making a call to web service results in failure, please find below the error message.

ERROR:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake

However on the same env...

Error Screenshots.zip



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