Hi all, We are trying to access the Appian web service (process model

Hi all,

We are trying to access the Appian web service (process model exposed as a web service) from outside the Appian environment.

The endpoint for the web service is: bpm-meridian-uat.alldata.net/.../PRFMeridianProcess. Though, we are able to access the web service endpoint directly in a web browser. But when we try loading web service in SOAP UI, it gives the following error.

Error loading [https://bpm-meridian-uat.alldata.net/suite/webservice/processmodel/PRFMeridianProcess?WSDL]: java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url; bpm-meridian-uat.alldata.net/.../PRFMeridianProcess, 0

To load the WSDL in SOAP UI, we downloaded the WSDL and browsed it from our local machine. Now making a call to web service results in failure, please find below the error message.

ERROR:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake

However on the same env...

Error Screenshots.zip



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  • Thanks Malcolm Ross (malcolm.ross) for the quick response.
    We use appian cloud only for our application and secondly, we are also in process of converting them to WebAPI's. AS it has some dependency with external system, the Web API development will happen after few months and hence, we need to use the Process model exposed as webservice at this point of time.

    The issue here is when we try to hit the wsdl URl from external system, 4/5 times it fails and no logs are entered in our server. For the one when it gets passed, logs are entered and instance gets initiated. SO, i tried to check if ports are all opened and everything seems fine. Not sure, how only certain instance gets passed while most get failed.
  • Thanks Malcolm Ross (malcolm.ross) for the quick response.
    We use appian cloud only for our application and secondly, we are also in process of converting them to WebAPI's. AS it has some dependency with external system, the Web API development will happen after few months and hence, we need to use the Process model exposed as webservice at this point of time.

    The issue here is when we try to hit the wsdl URl from external system, 4/5 times it fails and no logs are entered in our server. For the one when it gets passed, logs are entered and instance gets initiated. SO, i tried to check if ports are all opened and everything seems fine. Not sure, how only certain instance gets passed while most get failed.
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