Sharepoint Integration Issue

Hi All,

I want to integrate Appian with sharepoint. To download a document from sharepoint, I am using fn "a!shpCopyDocumentToAppian" but when I am using the following expression, I am getting Error "An error occurred while attempting to store into variable local!download. Details: The site-wide credentials for this system [key=sharepointcredetials_rishu] have not been configured in the secure credentials store. Please ask an administrator to update the credentials in the Third-Party Credentials page in the Administration Console"

usePerUserCredentials: false(),
timeout: 3000,
retries: 1,
path: "/_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('/Shared%20Documents/2015%20ABCD%20EFGH/" & ri!filename &"')/$value",
appianFolder: tointeger(cons!SHAREPOINT_APPIAN_FO...


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  • ...LDER),
    appianDocumentName: ri!filename

    If I change "usePerUserCredentials" to true(), the I get error "An error occurred while attempting to store into variable local!download. Details: You do not have credentials configured for this system [key=sharepointcredetials_rishu]. Please navigate to the Third-Party Credentials page in your Settings and provide credentials for this system." I am already setting the credentials on "Third Party Configurations" (Attached snaphot) & with same username and password, I can login into our sharepoint. The host name I am using is "". can anyone guide where I am getting it wrong please?
  • I think you must make use of 3 third-party credentials parameteres. Based on documentation, you should have the following 3 params:
    1. Username
    2. Password
    3. Domain

    Also, if you have unchecked the box under the parameters then you should set the connector parameter as noted below:
    "usePerUserCredentials : false"
  • Thanks anastasiosk, Can you please tell me what should be the domain name?
  • As i see, you are trying to integrate Appian with a local sharepoint implementation (not a Sharepoint Online - Cloud). So, if this is the case, you have to find the domain of the sharepoint user that you are trying to connect. For example. if you are at an organization 'MyOrganization" then you may have this full name --> "MyOrganization\\Username".

    If you can't find the domain, then just add the parameter on the third party credentials and just leave it blank. Then try to see if the connection is succesfull !

    *Keep in mind that the user you are trying to connect has appropriate access to the sharepoint site and resources.
  • Thank for update. I tried it as told by you & now I am encountering below error:

    [http-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.expr.DelayedWriteContext - An error occurred while attempting to store into variable local!download. Details: The external server for this system [key=sharepointcredetials_rishu] generated an exception when calling a function [shpCopyDocumentToAppian]. Details from external system: Illegal character in path at index 123: 2016 Project work.xlsx')/$value
  • I was able to fix that issue & when I moved forward,I got the following error:
    [success:false,result:,error:[code:[category:0,namespace:1,detail:0],title:sharepointinvoke function error,message:The external server for this system [key=sharepointcredetials_rishu] generated an exception when calling a function [shpInvoke]. Details from external system: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exceeded allowed retry attempts,detail:]]

    The server logs are showing the following error:
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exceeded allowed retry attempts
              at com.appian.integration.sharepoint.SharepointIntegrationHandler.executeHttpRequest(
              at com.appian.integration.sharepoint.SharepointIntegrationHandler.sharePointGet(
              at com.appian.integration.sharepoint.SharepointIntegrationHandler.invokeHandle(
              at com.appian.integration.sharepoint.service.SharePointService.sharepointInvoke(
              at com.appian.integration.sharepoint.function.SharePointInvoke.sharepointinvoke_appian_internal(
              ... 630 more
    Caused by: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to rishub
    Hi All, I am facing this same issue now. Do we have any solution for this problem. Please share your inputs on this.
    -- Details: The external server for this system [key=sharepoint.external] generated an exception when calling a function [shpCopyDocumentToAppian]. Details from external system: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exceeded allowed retry attempts