assigned tasks process report

Hi, I need to (kind of urgently) modify a process report that shows only my assigned tasks to now show all tasks assigned to any user or group. I would need to add a filter so I can choose to see  only my tasks or all the tasks. This report is a process report and in the designer says the "report context" is my user. How can I change it to be "all users".  Do you know if there is a tutorial that I can do to understand this concept of 'Process Reports" I have searched but I am lost with so many tutorials available. Thanks! 


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  • Hi , 

    If tasks are assigned to groups then you can pass report context as groups to fetch the data, if not then you need to pass context as users and provide user list to fetch the tasks assigned to them. Groups cant be passed but array of users will work . From UI use a!queryProcessAnalytics().

  • Hi akashmp, thank you very much for your response! I really appreciate it. Even though the answer does not apply to my problem directly, I still learned from it.

    In my case I may have not explained what was my problem clearly. I have task(s) that can be assigned to a group and/or a user at the same time. What I need is a filter on the report interface to be able to select all tasks assigned to Me or all tasks assigned to All. I was finally able to implement the filter using a column of the report that I didn't know existed when I posted my original question. The column is 'Assigned To Me' (value: true or false).

    The task report has a column 'Assigned To' and the task can be assigned to a group and a user. I was trying to 'select' the tasks assigned to me looking at this column only and I couldn't filter like this. Until I found the 'Assigned to Me' column that solved my problem. Now the filter looks something like this: (local!assignedTo = 2 means 'All' and collumn C7 is the Assigned To Me column)

    /* Filter: Assigned To */
    local!assignedTo = 2,
    field: "c7",
    operator: "=",
    value: true
