How to Create Smart service plugin in appian

Hi All,

   I am new to Appian. I need to create a appian smart service plugin for connecting one application with another application using UUID. I go through the following tutorial ,

Please give suggestions for ,

1. How to get smart services plugin Jar files except appian-plug-in-sdk.jar.

2. How to include Public Api with these Smart service plugin.

3. please give any appian  smart service plugin example using Eclipse IDE.



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  • 1. How to get smart services plugin Jar files except appian-plug-in-sdk.jar.
    * The appian-plug-in-sdk.jar is the only plug-in Jar file you need for your suite APIs. 
    * The Integration SDK is also available for other types of plug-ins such as Connected Systems or Interface Component plug-ins, but the appian-plug-in-sdk only requires that one JAR file. 

    2. How to include Public Api with these Smart service plugin.

    * Using Maven, just put the sdk Jar in the build-tools/lib/appian/17.2.0/_admin/sdk folder and list the dependency in your POM.xml file as 


    3. please give any appian  smart service plugin example using Eclipse IDE.
    *     The Execute Stored Procedure plug-in includes source code you can use as an example.

    Hope that helps! 

  • 1. How to get smart services plugin Jar files except appian-plug-in-sdk.jar.
    * The appian-plug-in-sdk.jar is the only plug-in Jar file you need for your suite APIs. 
    * The Integration SDK is also available for other types of plug-ins such as Connected Systems or Interface Component plug-ins, but the appian-plug-in-sdk only requires that one JAR file. 

    2. How to include Public Api with these Smart service plugin.

    * Using Maven, just put the sdk Jar in the build-tools/lib/appian/17.2.0/_admin/sdk folder and list the dependency in your POM.xml file as 


    3. please give any appian  smart service plugin example using Eclipse IDE.
    *     The Execute Stored Procedure plug-in includes source code you can use as an example.

    Hope that helps! 
